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Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Urgent Message from Noam Chomsky

Dear Friend of MECA,

My dear friend, the late Howard Zinn said, “war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children.”

As supporters of the Middle East Children's Alliance, you and I understand that better than most people.  And we have chosen to act to protect the lives of children living under the horrible conditions of war, occupation and devastating blockades.

Today, I’m asking you to join me again as hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria have fled to Jordan, Lebanon and other countries to escape the catastrophic violence.

The UN High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that so far more than 200,000 people —Syrians, Palestinians and Iraqis
 —  have fled. Most are living in makeshift camps along Syria’s border.

Half of them are children.

Some arrive alone, having lost both parents. Many are sick or injured.  All of the children are traumatized.

I am a founding advisor and supporter of the Middle East Children's Alliance. I have come to count on MECA to come to the aid of children in the Middle East who are facing the most dire circumstances.  I know that the Director Barbara Lubin, Associate Director Ziad Abbas, and other staff know how to reach people in the camps who are working directly with the children.

That’s why I’m giving MECA my support in this crisis.  And I’m asking you to join me.

Barbara and Ziad have been talking with doctors, nurses and social workers in Jordan and Lebanon to find out what the newly-arrived families need that they are not getting from the large aid agencies.  MECA’s friends on the ground have drawn up a list ofmedicines and medical supplies that are needed immediately.

I’m asking you to join me in making a contribution now, so MECA can send an emergency medical shipment to be distributed to refugees from Syria. The cost of the shipment is $53,000 and it must be raised in the next three weeks.

Please, send a contribution now of $25, $50, $100—even more, if you can afford it, to protect the lives of thousands of children who are suffering terribly.

If you have any doubt that MECA is up to this difficult task, please remember that Barbara Lubin personally brought duffle bags of cancer medicine to children in Iraq during 13 years of brutal sanctions. Several times she has stood at the Egyptian border for weeks to make sure MECA’s aid got through to children in Gaza.

For nearly twenty-five years MECA has gotten the help that’s needed most to the children who need it, despite enormous obstacles.  With your help and mine, MECA can do it again now.

Thank you.


Noam Chomsky
MECA Founding Advisor and Supporter

P.S. For more than a year and a half, we have watched the horror unfold in Syria.  Today, we can do something significant. You and I can provide life-saving medical aid to children who need it desperately. Please make your contribution to MECA today.

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