Boycott israHell!

Boycott israHell!
Бойкот на израел и печелещите от окупацията! Boycott israHell and those who profit from occupation!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

bTV - Историята на четири жени със забрадки - от Палестина

Четири жени, скрити зад забрадки, разказват какъв е животът им в България. Сафа Хедим, Амне Азан, Ейсун Хауе и Рахаф Мохамед са от Палестина, но живеят в страната ни от много години. Сафа и Рахаф дори са родени в България.
И четирите обаче са избрали да покрият косите си според каноните на своята религия със забрадката, която наричат "хиджаб". Отгледани са в семейства, в които повечето жени са забрадени. Убедени са, че хиджабът е личен избор и никой не ги кара да го носят насила. Сафа дори признава, че ако в България се въведе забрана за забрадките, подобно на Франция и Белгия, тя би напуснала страната.

Identity Crisis

Posted on July, 2011 by Marivel Guzman 
Article by Ahmad Hamad Palestinian Photographer

Ahmad Hammad Photography
Home is home wherever it is. After a year of being in the US, I decided to go spend a month with family and friends in the Gaza Strip.
I knew traveling would be a hard time at some point because I have a Palestinian passport.
I thought of how hard it was for me when I left Gaza in June 2010, but hoped it would be a better experience after hearing in the news that the Egyptian government decided to open the Rafah borders permanently, and put more effort
in facilitating travel for Palestinians in Gaza after the revolution in Egypt.
I found out that I had to apply for 72 hours visa, so I sent my passport to the Egyptian consulate in Chicago, so I can spend at least the 3 days in Cairo with friends and relatives whom I haven’t seen in 4 years.

Photos and Story Credits of Ahmad Hamad

Safely arrived in Cairo international airport on Wednesday, May 25th at 12:00 pm full of excitement and hope to get in after a long trip. I stayed in the line at the arrival hall for a while waiting for the people in front of me to check in. Those people where either Egyptian passport holders or international s such as Americans or Europeans. All of them were easily and respectfully treated. I was hoping that I’ll get the same treatment remembering that we all are humans.
“Show me your passport,” said the Egyptian officer who was setting behind that window. As soon as he saw that it was a Palestinian passport his face has completely changed and he was not the same respectful and helpful guy anymore.
He asked me to step back and wait until he calls me again, so I went ahead and told him that I have a visa for Egypt. His first response was no wait there and you’ll go through the TARHEEL process.
Tarheel is an Arabic word, and I think the best word to describe it in English would be deportation or expulsion. It’s a process where they keep Palestinians from Gaza who travel either at the Rafah borders when they’re leaving Gaza until a bus come and take them to the airport to wait there until it’s time for their flights, or at the airport in a hall until the bus comes and take them to the borders for those who come from other countries wanting to go to Gaza.  They never let them get into Egypt unless they had other international passports, and it could take several days when the borders are closed which happens most of the time.
I haven’t got my luggage yet because I had to wait for them to let me go get it. Finally after 75 minutes he called my name, and said we can’t let you in, you’ll be in building number 3 which is the Tarheel hall until Thursday
morning, the bus will come and take you to the borders. I had an American Permanent Resident Card, but I didn’t show it because I wanted to be treated for who I am, it’s so unfair. So when I found out that my Palestinian passport and the visa to Egypt won’t help, I told him that I have a Green Card hoping it would help. “No you can’t get in. You need to have an American passport so we can let you in, the visa and the Green Card you have do not change the fact that you’re from Gaza, and you’ll have to stay in that hall until tomorrow morning,” he said angrily.
Another guy went with me to get my luggage, and we couldn’t find it because everyone had already took their
luggage, and I spent another hour looking for it until they found it in one of the rooms. They took me to that
hall. It smelled so bad, the bathrooms were so dirty and seemed like they haven’t cleaned them in a long time. What’s strange is that the whole airport is clean and descent, but somehow this hall where they keep Palestinians is the most disgusting.
So it’s not only why we’re here Palestinians, but also why treated like that. It could be a clean hall with some sort of human basic needs and supplies.
Some chairs and tables, no beds, very dirty blankets, trash everywhere on the floor, urine smell, very disgusting bathrooms, and no hygiene at all. Everything is more expensive than it should be. An example is that I wanted to buy a phone card so I can call people, it’s obvious that the card was 10 Egyptian pounds, but they sold it to me for 15 pounds, and so is food, drinks and cigarettes.
Apparently I wasn’t the only Palestinian in that hall. Other Palestinian passport holders were in the same situation and they had to spend the day and the night until the morning. There were old women and men, kids and
adults; males and females.
One of the saddest stories that night was these elderly married couple and their son who had a medical condition. They live in the United Arab Emirates, and they wanted to go to Gaza where they’re originally from, and where their relatives are. They haven’t been able to visit in 25 years because they were Palestinian refugees, and they didn't have a Palestinian ID on them.
They only had an Egyptian paper which proves that they are Palestinians. They were hoping that they’ll let them get on the bus and go to Gaza in the morning with everyone after spending the night in that uncomfortable hall. The son got really sick and he wanted a doctor to come and look after him, but it took them forever to have a doctor come.
The sad mother was watching her son suffering all night feeling helpless because his condition was serious and there was nothing that she could do beside holding him, crying, praying and complaining to God.
After all in the morning the doctor came and they decided to send them back to the UAE. It was so sad and pathetic, the father started screaming, crying, and bagging them to let them go home. “It’s our homeland, we were born
there, our relatives and families are there. Why can’t we go?” said the father sadly with tears. It didn’t change their decision or even change their way of treating them, and they closed the door on us.
20 hours in the Tarheel hall from Wednesday 12:00 pm until Thursday 8:00 am when the bus came and they took us to Rafah borders, they seemed like 20 years. No one could sleep, and we spent the whole time talking and sharing
our experiences, thoughts, and the pain we had to face in our lives just because we are Palestinians. Never felt humiliated the way I felt this night, it’s so sad and hurtful especially that those people who were treating us this
way were the remains of the old dictator Egyptian government.
I arrived home at 6:30 pm, so it took me more than 50 hours to get there, when it could have been so much less time, and so much easier.
I had a different hard experience at Eretz check point at the borders between Gaza and what they call Israel, when I was going once to Jerusalem on a work trip with ACTED, the French agency I worked for in Gaza in 2009/2010, it was so hard and very humiliating, but it was expected since they were Israeli soldiers. I mean they’ve been torturing us for more than 60 years, so we don’t expect good things.
The question is, why and until when we Palestinians will have to deal with such things. Traveling is one of many other things that we’re suffering from.
I took these photos secretly in the morning after they gave me back my camera, and I wanted to write about my personal experience.
Ahmad Hammad is one of the thousands mistreated in Egyptian Airport and hold in Cell No 3 or Building No 3.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Houston Activists Petition Local Pacifica Radio Station to Endorse BDS

Students from new US Campaign member group theUniversity of Houston Students for a Democratic Societyhave joined with other Houston activists to campaign for Houston-based Pacifica Radio station KPFT to endorse the Palestinian-led campaign for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS).

An ad-hoc KPFT BDS Committee of station listeners and members originally formed in response to KPFT's giving air-time to "Voice of Peace," a show promoting Israel historically produced by the Israeli Government. KPFT is a listener-supported radio station with a mission to promote peace and social justice. Airing this programming was a clear violation of the BDS call. The ad-hoc committee of concerned individuals sees BDS as "the fullest action to address the current situation and prevent pro-colonial propaganda in the future."
The committee put together this petitionAll are encouraged to sign!!

For a list of KPFT-affiliate signers, click here.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Сирия призна палестинската държава

Снимка: Информационна агенция "Фокус"

18 юли 2011 | 18:04 | Агенция "Фокус"

Дамаск. Министерството на външните работи на Сирия обяви, че Дамаск признава палестинската държава със столица Източен Ерусалим в границите отпреди Шестдневната война през 1967 година, предаде АФП.
Сирия ще смята централата на Организацията за освобождение на Палестина в Дамаск за посолство на палестинската държава.
Палестинците планират да поискат Общото събрание на ООН да признае палестинската държава по време на срещата през септември. Срещу това се противопоставят Израел и САЩ.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

French boat Dignité of Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece

16 July 2011
For Immediate Release

The French boat “Dignité/Karama” (Dignity) left the Greek island Kastellorizo around 8:30PM local time on Saturday July 16, 2011, heading south. The ten passengers onboard view themselves as representatives of the whole Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human. The rest of the Flotilla’s ships have been detained in different Greek ports, through bureaucratic obstruction, sabotage, sudden restrictions and withdrawals of flags.
The Dignité, sailing under a French flag, left Corsica on June 25th, and has, over the past weeks, been in Greek waters.  It has now left– so far without being followed by the Greek coast guard or Navy.
Among the delegates on board is Jacqueline Le Corre, member of the French Communist Party, Jean Claude Lefort, former French Member of the European Parliament, as well as representatives of the Canadian, French, Greek and Swedish initiatives within Freedom Flotilla II. Onboard the Dignité are also renowned Israeli journalist Amira Hass, reporting for Haaretz, and a team from Al-Jazeera TV. (Full list of passengers below).
Kastellorizo, in the far east of the Greek archipelago, is only miles from Turkish mainland. A substantial part of Kastellorizo’s population fled during the Second World War to Gaza, where they stayed for years. The present mayor of the island, Paul Panigiris, was born in Gaza, and feels strongly, as do many other people from Kastellorizo, for a population that once hosted them and is now under siege.
The action of Dignité is not a mini-version of Freedom Flotilla 2, but a first wave that will be followed by others.  It is a message to the Israeli government, to the international community and to the besieged people of Gaza: The Free Gaza Movement and the coalition of Freedom Flotilla II are not giving up until the inhumane and illegitimate blockade of Gaza is lifted.
Gaza, we are coming!

Passengers on the Dignité

Stéphan Corriveau, Coordinator of Canadian boat to Gaza

Dror Feiler, spokesperson of Ship to Gaza-Sweden, President of the European Jews for a Just Peace, artist, musician, composer

Jérôme Gleizes, France, Europe Ecologie Les Verts

Jacqueline Le Corre, France, Médecin-Collectif 14 de soutien au peuple palestinien, member of Parti communiste francais

Jean Claude Lefort, former MEP, French Communist Party –PCF

Claude Léostic, spokesperson of Un bateau français pour Gaza

Yamin Makri, France, Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple palestinien

Omeyya Naoufel Seddik, Tunisian, Fédération des Tunisiens pour une citoyenneté des deux rives (FTCR), and Ligue tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme (LTDH), Phd in Political Science

Thomas Sommer-Houdeville, spokesperson of Un bateau français pour Gaza, Researcher, Political Sciecnce, Middle East Studies, at the Institut francais du proche Orient

Vangelis Pissias, spokesperson of Ship to Gaza-Greece, Professor at Technical University of Athens

Amira Hass, Israeli journalist - Haaretz

Ayyache Derradji, Journalist from Al Jazeera

Stéphane Guida, Cameraman from Al Jazeera

Zacharia Stylianakis, Captain

Hilaire Folacci, Mariner

Yannick Voisin, Mariner

Jo Leguen, Navigator

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Израел арестува 124 души от "въздушната флотилия на свободата"

Израелската агенция по въпросите на имиграцията и населението съобщи, че в страната са задържани 124 активисти в защита на каузата за независима палестинска държава, пристигнали в петък с няколко граждански полета като част от т.нар. "въздушната флотилия на свободата".

Арестите са извършени, след като в петък те са организирали демонстрации при пристигането на летище "Бен Гурион"

Общо 76 жени и 48 мъже са настанени в различни затвори, след като им е отказано влизане в страната, а няма свободни места в полетите, за да бъдат екстрадирани веднага.

В събота сутринта бе съобщено, че 39 активисти, пристигнали късно в неделя с полет на "Луфтханза", са изпратеви в затвор в Беершеба, където ще бъдат разпитани. Като цяло броят на участниците в акцията е малко над 300, като почти 70 от тях са били върнати още в петък.

"Ще действаме с твърда ръка и като всяка суверенна държава ще използваме всички средства да попречим да влизат в страната хора, искащи на нарушават закона", заяви вътрешният министър Ели Ишай.


Според ново изследване, израелските контроло-пропускателни пунктове убиват палестинските родилки и техните новородени

В продължение на три години бритинското списание за медицина The Lancet работи с палестински медицински и научни работници, за да документират ефекта от стресовия живот – справяне с икономическите затруднения и големия недостиг, ограниченията за движение, политическото напрежение и страха от нападение отвън.
Ограниченията за движение са ежедневен дразнител в окупирания Западен бряг и Ивицата Газа. Освен досадните и унизителни проверки на контролно-пропускателните пунктове, никога не се знае със сигурност колко дълго жителите ще трябва да пътуват или дали ще стигнат да своята цел въобще. Но когато става дума за спешни медицински случаи тези ограничения са въпрос на живот или смърт.
Миналата година сътрудниците The Lancet са описали подробно терора върху палестинските жени, които са очаквали да родят по време на израелското нападение в Газа в началото на 2009. Тези жени са знаели, че може да имат нужда от спешна медицинска помощ в период, в който те не могат да излязат от домовете си поради израелските атаки. Тази година друга група научни работници анализира какво се случва с жени, които преминават през израелските контролно-пропускателни пунктове.

Престъпление срещу човечеството
Според Хала Шоаиби от Мичиганския университет в САЩ, в периода 2000-2007 10 процента от бременните палестинските жени са били забавени на контролно-пропускателни пунктове по време на пътуването им до болницата, за да раждат. Един от резултатите от това е рязкото увеличаване на броя на ражданията у дома, тъй като жените предпочитат да избегнат пътувания, страхувайки се от опасността да не могат да достигнат до болницата навреме.
Техните страхове са основателни. Шоаиби допълва, че 69 бебета са били родени на самите контролно-пропускателни пунктове през тези седем години. Тридесет и пет бебета и пет майки умират, един резултат, който тспоред нея е престъпление срещу човечеството.
Когато представители на The Lancet проведеха първото си заседание през март 2009 г., Газа все още бе зашеметена от израелските атаки по време на операция Излято олово, която доведе до смъртта на повече от 1400 души. В най-новата публикация, учените се връщат към този период, за да анализират последиците от нападението над цивилното население.
Разрушаването на нормалния живот е в големи размери. Четиридесет и пет процента от анкетираните е трябвало да напуснат домовете си и да живеят с други хора за най-малко 24 часа; 48% са приели други хора да живеят у тях; 48 процента от домовете са повредени. Почти всеки е трябвало да се спраяв с прекъсване на електрозахранването из цяло или за част от времето, много са страдали от прекъсването на други услуги – телефон, водоснабдяване и събиране на боклук.
Писъци и кошмари
От гледна точка на психологическите ефекти, повече от 80 процента споделят, че член на семейството им крещи или плаче, или има кошмари. Загуба на апетит е също често срещана. Но въпреки че Газа е относително малка на площ, ефектите от нападението варират значително в зависимост къде анкетираните са живеели.
Друго проучване разглежда чувството на несигурност, което остава дори и шест месеца след края на атаката. Някои от резултатите са очаквани – жените, например, се чувстват по-нервни и несигурни в сравнение с мъжете. Групите, които имат по-ниски нива на несигурност са тези, които са добре образовани и имат по-добър стандарт на живот, а също и възрастните хора, тези над 65 години.
Докладът на The Lancet е достъпен на страницата на организацията

Friday, July 8, 2011

Палестинците призовават за оръжейно ембарго срещу Израел

Коалиция от палестински политически партии, търговски синдикати и неправителствени организации, подкрепени от лауреати на Нобелови награди от чужбина, призоваха за оръжейно ембарго срещу Израел. "Всестранното оръжейно ембарго срещу Израел отдавна е закъсняло", се казва в съобщение от Националния палестински комитет за бойкот. "Това би било жинзеноважна стъпка, за да се приключи незаконното и престъпно използване на сила от страна на Израел срещу палестинския народ и други нации и страни в региона" се казва в съобщението. В него се казва още, че призивът за ембарго е бил подкрепен от нобеловите лауреати Дезмънд Туту, Майрийд Магуайър и Адолфо Перес Екивел, както и от канадския писател и социален активист Наоми Клайн. /АФП /

Still Time to Oppose Sanctions Threat Against Palestinians

We wanted to give you a quick update on H.Res.268 and let you know that there is still time to mobilize phone calls to oppose this terrible resolution. It won’t be voted on until later today or, more likely, tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon, the House “debated” the resolution. You can read the transcript of it beginning on page H4625 of the Congressional Record. You can also view the proceedings on C-SPAN.

We figured that most of the statements would be atrocious and they truly were. However, there were some great points made.

Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) said H.Res.268 “falls short of the kind of leadership that I believe is needed. This resolution chastises the Palestinians for seeking to bridge the divide in their own community and for pursuing recognition of their state at the United Nations.”

Rep. David Price (D-NC) stated that “as usual, the resolution before us today tells only half the story. It says nothing about Israel’s responsibility to act as a serious negotiating partner and abide by its previous commitments under the Road Map and other agreements. It says nothing about Israel’s refusal to halt settlement construction in order to allow direct negotiations to resume—even when the Obama Administration offered a lavish package of aid and assurances for Israel to do something that was manifestly in its own interest to begin with. It condemns the Palestinian president for his unilateral actions while failing to comprehend that it has been Israel’s intransigence that has led him to view the United Nations as his only recourse. And as usual, the resolution has been rushed to the floor without any serious debate or any opportunity for input from the many members of this body who care about this critical issue.”

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) noted that “This resolution not only further entangles the U.S. in the Israeli/Palestinian dispute, but it sets out the kind of outcome the United States would accept in advance. While I prefer our disengagement from that conflict, I must wonder how the U.S. expects to be seen as an ‘‘honest broker’’ when it dictates the term of a solution in such a transparently one-sided manner. In the resolution before us, all demands are made of only one side in the conflict. Do supporters of this resolution really believe the actors in the Middle East and the rest of the world do not notice?”

Please keep mobilizing people to make phone calls today (and possible tomorrow as well) to have Representatives vote no or abstain on H.Res.268. It’s clear that at least some of them are listening to us. Let’s keep up the pressure on them to vote the right way!

Also, please don't forget to thank Representatives like Moran, Price, and Paul who have stood up against this resolution. 

Here is a link to the action alert we issued yesterday--please help us distribute it far and wide.

Thanks for all you do! Be sure to let me know if I can help in any way and please update me on your efforts.

Mike Coogan Legislative Coordinator

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Flotilla Embodies the Arab Spring Spirit

The Palestine Center and US Boat to Gaza are coalition members of the US Campaign

by Yousef Munayyer, Palestine Center
July 5, 2011

Earlier this year we watched with amazement as hundreds of thousands of Arabs charged into the streets of their cities demanding reform. The uprisings led to the departure of several leaders who had ruled for decades and also tested (and continue to test) several others.

But what led to this outpouring is much the same as the motivation behind the flotilla initiative which seeks to challenge the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

When fundamentally unjust situations are left unaddressed by states, the people must step in. That is precisely what happened in Tahrir square when hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Egyptians lost all faith in the government's ability to reform.

That is also precisely what drives the flotilla and the activists aboard it. They have watched as the collective punishment of 1.5 million civilians lingers with no objections coming from states that can change the situation. In fact, the siege of Gaza has been supported by Israel, the United States and Mubarak's Egypt (though post-Mubarak Egypt promises to be different).

The blockade of Gaza is just one part of a multilayered siege on the Gaza Strip. The layers include control of land entry and exit points for commercial and humanitarian goods, control over the amount of electricity and water available to the people of Gaza, control of the air and sea lanes, and so on.


Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada report on our recent news about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar decides to pass on Jerusalem Film Fest following ‘Nakba Day violence’
by Adam Horowitz 
June 29, 2011
The Jerusalem Film Festival foreign office has confirmed that legendary basketball star and actor Kareem Abdul-Jabbar reversed plans to visit Israel due to concerns arising "after the Nakba Day violence."
Abdul-Jabbar was slated to present his film, "On the Shoulders Of Giants," at the festival next month, as a candidate for the "Spirit of Freedom Award." According to YNet News, his visit was scheduled in coordination with the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Israeli Consulate of New York.
101 organizations of Palestinians, Israelis, Muslim-Americans, African-Americans, Jewish Americans and others have signed a letter thanking the Los Angeles Lakers legend for declining to attend the festival. The letter highlighted Israel's discriminatory policies against the Palestinian people—whether living under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, living as second-class citizens in Israel, or living as refugees in exile. It also highlighted the Palestinian civil society call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel until it ends its discriminatory practices. The boycott includes targeting Israeli cultural institutions.

Gaza Freedom Flotilla actions

5 July, 2011

The passengers of the ten boats of the 2011 Gaza Freedom Flotilla continued pushing back against the restrictions of the Greek government today, joined by citizens of countries around the world whose governments’ policies stand in stark contrast to the will of their peoples. Here are today’s developments:
  • The hearing of John Klusmire, captain of the U.S. passenger boat Audacity of Hope, was held at 12:00 noon at a courthouse in the port of Piraeus. The captain had been charged with attempting to pilot the ship out of the harbor without the proper clearances. In a rebuke to the government, the judge dismissed all charges and immediately released Klusmire. The move was interpreted as a victory for Palestine solidarity and for the Greek institution of protecting an independent judiciary.
  • At 1:00 p.m. local time, the Greek Boat to Gaza group held a press conference at the Athens Press Club. Present were Dimitris Plionis, an organizer from the Greek group, Dr. Mattias Gardell of the partner group Swedish Boat to Gaza, Members of Parliament Tasos Kourakis and Theodoris Dritsas 2 MPs, and Green Party representative Iannis Tsironis. They denounced the government actions and policies forbidding ships of the Flotilla to leave Greek ports, effectively extending the Israeli siege of Gaza to Greek waters and outsourcing the siege of Gaza. Also attending in solidarity was MP Panagiotis Kouroublis, who had recently been expelled from the ruling PASOK Party for voting against the IMF austerity plan. He was given a standing ovation when he entered the hall.
  • The owners and crew of the Greek/Swedish/Norwegian passenger boat Juliano went on board in the port of Perama near Piraeus, and attempted to take the boat to the port town of Fokia, approximately 10 km. away, where they were due to attend a welcome ceremony at the invitation of the Fokia mayor, honoring the passengers and crew. However, the port authorities prevented the boat from leaving, without citing any justification. In the meantime, two rented boats filled with journalists and supporters gathered at the port to cover the action and to demand release of the boat, and have been confronted by port police. At latest report, the standoff continues, and a crowd of people is gathering at the Perama Port Authority to demand the release of the boat.
  • Passengers of the Spanish boat Guernica entered the Spanish embassy in Athens and staged a sit-in, demanding that the Spanish government intercede with Greece to release the boat. They hoisted the Palestinian flag and are currently refusing to leave until their boat is given permission to leave.
  • Canadian citizen Sandra Ruch remains in custody in the port city of Aghios Nikolaos. She and one other Suha Kneen, Michael Coleman, Australian Canadian were charged with impeding coast guard authorities by placing themselves in kayaks in front of police boats attempting to stop the Canadian boat, Tahrir from leaving Greek waters. They have been charged with interfering with law enforcement.
  • A small group of four Zionist demonstrators gathered at a Greek port where one of the French boats is berthed. They shouted “Free Gilad Shalit” and carried signs. When the port police was called, the demonstrators left.
  • The other French passenger boat Karameh is again at sea in international waters, awaiting the other boats in the Flotilla. After leaving France, it proceeded to the eastern Mediterranean, where it sheltered in a safe port before returning to international waters.

British deportation an attack on free speech / Flotilla still trying to break US/EU/UN-backed siege/ Even prisoners have the right to receive visitors/

 Dear Friends,
·        I know many people have listened to the song Freedom for Palestine and so many people have been supportive. This is now the final week to get the track into the charts and get the song on the radio for the whole of the UK to hear.
·        So if you haven't bought the song, please please do this now.
·        If you have bought the song, please get five of your friends to buy it too.
·        Enjoying the song is great, but buying it is a political act. It is a way of making an audiable protest to the UK, a way of reaching new audiences, a way of demonstrating the weight of support for justice for Palestine and a way of showing solidarity with the people of Palestine. Already people in Gaza have sent a video asking people to buy the song.
·        The song may be fluffy, but the message isn't. Getting the song into the charts is to make a political statement the whole of the UK can hear. (all profits go back to projects in Palestine).

·        HMV  - Just 79p!

·        Itunes  - Just 79p!

·        Amazon   - Just 69p!

·        This is the anthem of our movement. Buying this single is more than just buying a track of music; it is contributing to a struggle. The people of Palestine need us to lobby our MPs, take to the streets and even get into boats to bring them aid. But just like the people of South Africa they need us to sing to them. Buy this single and sing along!” Benjamin Zephaniah
·        Archbishop Desmond Tutu even came out of retirement to tell people to buy the song! So be on the right side of history. Join musicians and artists such as Rogers Waters, Massive Attack, Lowkey, Mark Thomas, Julie Christie, Sami Yusuf, Ken Loach and Billy Bragg and get behind a historic challenge to the illegal Israeli occupation.
·        Please spread the word on this - send this message to friends and family and get them to show their support for Palestine. We only have 6 days left to go.
·        It's not just a song- It's a statement.
·        Be part of it.