Boycott israHell!

Boycott israHell!
Бойкот на израел и печелещите от окупацията! Boycott israHell and those who profit from occupation!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Не може Израел да продължава да се държи като държава над закона

31 май 2010 | 19:42 | Агенция "Фокус"

Д-р Мохд Абуаси, директор на Център за близкоизточни изследвания, в интервю за Агенция „Фокус”

Фокус: Д-р Абуаси, каква е последната информация за ситуацията край Ивицата Газа, с която разполагате?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Последната информация, с която разполагаме, е това, че минимум десет души са загинали, като повечето от тях са турски граждани. Все още няма официални данни за точния брой на загиналите. Няма и официална информация за съдбата на останалите пътници на корабите от хуманитарния конвой. Сега Израел държи всичко в неизвестност и медиите отразяват само това, което излиза от тях.
Фокус: Каква е вашата оценка на ситуацията?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: По начало блокадата на Газа е в противоречие с международното право и против всякакви хуманитарни закони в света. Това беше и коментарът на Европейския съюз както видяхме днес – оттам поискаха безусловно да се пропусне хуманитарната помощ. Това, което се получи, е, че Израел предварително реши, че независимо от условията и ситуацията, няма да допусне хуманитарната помощ за Газа. Твърдението на израелците е, че докато имат един войник в плен в Газа – това е сержант Гилад Шалит, те няма да махнат блокадата. В същото време тази блокада е срещу цялото население на Газа. Тук говорим за 1,5 млн.души. Щом тези кораби не са натоварени с оръжие, както се смяташе, и на тях няма терористи, както твърдяха израелците, а става въпрос само за официални европейски делегации, както и представители на различни страни и щом те бяха нападнати в международни води, тук говорим за чисто пиратство. Откъде накъде Израел ще напада един кораб с турско, шведско или каквото и да е знаме в международни води. Тези кораби бяха насочени към Газа, Газа не е част от Израел.
Фокус: Все пак, това не е първата по рода си мисия с хуманитарна помощ, която минава през този район – защо именно този хуманитарен кордон беше задържан?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Предишните подобни мисии бяха символични, тоест, хуманитарната помощ не беше сериозна и не помагаше много на Газа. В случая имаше около 10 хил. тона строителни материали – цимент, желязо и др. Израел забранява влизането на строителни материали още от три години насам. Както знаем след бруталната война в Газа се забранява внасянето на строителни материали там, тоест, разрушените къщи си стоят, хората, които живеят в палатки, продължават да живеят в тях. Материалите не се допускат, за да не могат да бъдат възстановени разрушените къщи. Това е основната причина.
Фокус: Имаше ли предупреждения и предварителни уговорки преди мисията да премине през района?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Израелците твърдо взеха решение, че никакви помощи за Газа няма да бъдат допуснат. Те категорично обявиха, че тези кораби няма да бъдат допуснати от Израел.
Фокус: Тоест, обявеното от Израел, че конвоят е свързан с терористи, е измислен предлог?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Самият факт, че Израел още преди няколко дни обяви, че на корабите има терористи, показва че добре се бяха подготвили сценария за тази случка. Дори да приемем, че имаше терористи – те не влязоха в корабите да арестуват терористите още на място, а останалите кораби да стигнат до крайната си точка с хуманитарните помощи. Просто това беше предлог да не се допусне хуманитарната помощ до Газа. Известна част от хуманитарната помощ е изпратена от България. Също така, ние призоваваме външния министър на България Николай Младенов да излезе с ясна позиция за осъждането на този брутален акт на Израел и на този вид пиратство, както и да се покаже българската позиция за израелската позиция за блокадата в Газа.
Фокус: Как според вас ще се развие ситуацията?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Доколкото разбрах предстои заседание на Съвета за сигурност, при което американците за пореден път ще опитат да измъкнат Израел от тази ситуация. Според мен решението на въпроса е в премахването на блокадата при Газа. Без това, такава ситуация ще се повтори многократно. Защото, когато говорим за 1,5 млн.души без лекарства, без храна – това положение е непоносимо и не може да продължи така повече. Очакваме ЕС и международната общност да натиснат Израел и да стане ясно, че Израел трябва да се съобразява с международното право. Не може Израел да продължава да се държи като държава над закона. Тук става въпрос за убити граждани на други държави, нападнати бяха кораби на европейския държави.
Фокус: Как ще се отрази тази ситуация на отношенията на Израел с други държави?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Това ще развали отношенията на Израел с Турция до голяма степен. Ние знаем, че доскоро Турция беше най-добрият съюзник на Израел в региона. От друга страна, това ще притесни американците, които досега нищо не са направили и бяха таен съюзник на Израел, сега ще са принудени да вземат някаква по-силна политическа позиция спрямо Израел. И по-лошото е, че това, което се случи днес, ще навреди много на мирния процес в региона.
Фокус: Колко време очаквате да продължи тази ситуация?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: Израел няма голяма сметка да задържи корабите за по-дълго време. Може да задържат няколко човека за по-дълго време, но повечето от тях ще ги пуснат следващите дни. Но никой няма да може да върне загиналите хора. А дали ще могат да излекуват ранените? Може би най-важният въпрос е: това решава ли хуманитарната катастрофа в Газа? Истинският проблем идва от античовешката блокада срещу ивицата Газа. Това трябва да се реши, в противен случай ще има подобни ситуации, ще има повече насилие.
Фокус: Тоест да очакваме ли благоприятно решение на проблема, напрежението в района ще спадне ли?
Д-р Мохд Абуаси: До седмици или месеци напрежението ще се вдигне и последиците ще са големи. Според мен вече на световната общност е ясно какво представлява държавата Израел. Целят свят, който беше заблуден от израелската пропаганда, сега видя истинското лице на Израел и това няма как да няма последици.

Monday, May 31, 2010 EMERGENCY-Take Action: Israel Attacks Gaza Humanitarian Aid Flotilla

In an international act of piracy and murder in international waters, the Israeli navy intercepted, boarded, and opened fire on humanitarian activists on a flotilla of ships attempting to deliver humanitarian supplies to the Israeli-blockaded Palestinian Gaza Strip.

According to news reports, Israeli commandos killed as many as 19 humanitarian activists on board one ship, and have abducted all 700 passengers on board the six boats composing the flotilla who are in the process of being sent against their will to Israel for arrest and/or deportation.

The reaction of the Obama Administration to Israel's attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla, which included U.S. citizens, has been tepid. A White House spokesperson stated that he "deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained."

Of course, this statement completely ignores U.S. complicity in arming Israel and enabling its human rights abuses. In July 2008, the United States signed a contract worth $1.9 billion to transfer the latest-generation of naval combat vessels to Israel at U.S. taxpayer expense. Currently, Congress is in the process of appropriating a record $3.2 billion in military aid to Israel this budget year.

Events are moving quickly. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has apparently canceled his meeting tomorrow at the White House to return to Israel. Later today, the UN Security Council is set to address Israel's attack on the humanitarian flotilla. For the latest news from the flotilla, please click here.


1. Organize an emergency protest against Israel's attack on the humanitarian flotilla. Find events near you and post your event details by clicking here.

2. Contact the U.S. Mission to the United Nations at 212-415-4062 right away and demand that U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice vote to support a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel's action and initiating an investigation.

3. Learn more about the deadly impact of U.S. military aid to Israel and take action to end it by clicking here.


Editorial, The Electronic Intifada, 31 May 2010

Early this morning under the cover of darkness Israeli soldiers stormed the lead ship of the six-vessel Freedom Flotilla aid convoy in international waters and killed and injured dozens of civilians aboard. All the ships were violently seized by Israeli forces, but hours after the attack fate of the passengers aboard the other ships remained unknown.

The Mavi Marmara was carrying around 600 activists when Israeli warships flanked it from all sides as soldiers descended from helicopters onto the ship's deck. Reports
from people on board the ship backed up by live video feeds broadcast on Turkish TV show that Israeli forces used live ammunition against the civilian passengers, some
of whom resisted the attack with sticks and other items.

The Freedom Flotilla was organized by a coalition of groups that sought to break the Israeli-led siege on the Gaza Strip that began in 2007. Together, the flotilla
carried 700 civilian activists from around 50 countries and over 10,000 tons of aid including food, medicines, medical equipment, reconstruction materials and equipment,
as well as various other necessities arbitrarily banned by Israel.

As of 6:00pm Jerusalem time most media were still reporting that up to 20 people had been killed, and many more injured. However, Israel was still withholding the exact numbers and names of the dead and injured. Passengers aboard the ships who had been posting Twitter updates on the Flotilla's progress had not been heard from since before the attack and efforts to contact passengers by satellite phone were unsuccessful. The Arabic- and English-language networks of Al-Jazeera lost contact with their half dozen staff traveling with the flotilla.

News of the massacre on board the Freedom Flotilla began to emerge around dawn in the eastern Mediterranean first on the live feed from the ship, social media, Turkish
television, and Al-Jazeera. Israeli media were placed under strict military censorship, and reported primarily from foreign sources. However, by the morning the
Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli soldiers who boarded the flotilla in international waters were fired upon by passengers. Quoting anonymous military sources, the Jerusalem Post claimed that the flotilla passengers had set-up a "well planned lynch." ("IDF: Soldiers were met by well-planned lynch in boat raid")

The Israeli daily Haaretz also reported that the Israeli soldiers were "attacked" when trying to board the flotilla. ("At least 10 activists killed in Israel Navy
clashes on board Gaza aid flotilla")

This narrative of passengers "attacking" the Israeli soldiers was quickly adopted by the Associated Press and carried across mainstream media sources in the United
States, including the Washington Post. ("Israeli army: More than 10 killed on Gaza flotilla")

Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon stated in a Monday morning press conference that the Israeli military was acting in "self-defense." He claimed that "At least two guns were found" and that the "incident" was still ongoing. Ayalon also claimed that the Flotilla organizers were "well-known" and were supported by and had connections to "international terrorist organizations."

It is unclear how anyone could credibly adopt an Israeli narrative of "self-defense" when Israel had carried out an unprovoked armed assault on civilian ships in
international waters. Surely any right of self-defense would belong to the passengers on the ship. Nevertheless, the Freedom Flotilla organizers had clearly and loudly proclaimed their ships to be unarmed civilian vessels on a humanitarian mission.

The Israeli media strategy appeared to be to maintain censorship of the facts such as the number of dead and injured, the names of the victims and on which ships the
injuries occurred, while aggressively putting out its version of events which is based on a dual strategy of implausibly claiming "self-defense" while demonizing the
Freedom Flotilla passengers and intimating that they deserved what they got.

As news spread around the world, foreign governments began to react. Greece and Turkey, which had many citizens aboard the Flotilla, immediately recalled their ambassadors from Tel Aviv. Spain strongly condemned the attack. France's foreign minister Bernard Kouchner expressed "profound shock." The European Union's foreign
minister Catherine Ashton called for an "enquiry."

What should be clear is this: no one can claim to be surprised by what the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights correctly termed a "hideous crime." Israel had been openly threatening a violent attack on the Flotilla for days, but complacency, complicity and inaction, specifically from Western and Arab governments once more sent the message that Israel could act with total impunity.

There is no doubt that Israel's massacre of 1,400 people, mostly civilians, in Gaza in December 2008/January 2009 was a wake up call for international civil society to
begin to adopt boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel similar to those applied to apartheid-era South Africa.

Yet governments largely have remained complacent and complicit in Israel's ongoing violence and oppression against Palestinians and increasingly international humanitarian workers and solidarity activists, not only in Gaza, but throughout historic Palestine. We can only imagine that had former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni indeed been arrested for war crimes in Gaza when a judge in London issued a warrant for her arrest, had the international community begun to implement the recommendations of the UN-commissioned Goldstone Report, had there been a much firmer response to Israel's assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, it would not
have dared to act with such brazenness.

As protest and solidarity actions begin in Palestine and across the world, this is the message they must carry: enough impunity, enough complicity, enough Israeli
massacres and apartheid. Justice now.



Мирния конвой с кораби, който замина тази нощ от Кипър (там се срещнаха корабчетата за флотилията, идващи от няколко държави), бе нападнат в мирни води от израелски командоси. Има убити - предава се за 14, но не е сигурна бройката.
израелците казват, че ПРОВОКАЦИЯТА (?!) срещу тях била ОГРОМНА! Когато командоси се качили на корабчетата, били посрещнати с брадви и ножове, при което открили огън.
израел е потвърдил първоначалното си становище, че няма да допуска помощите до Газа. Също така са поставили ограничение върху информацията по случая.

Много емоционално гледам на случката, а и не само на нея, а на всичко свързано с Палестина и евреите. Така че няма да коментирам и да задам и писмено лавината от върпоси, която напира в главата ми...


From someone with contacts in the Israeli military, the following message has been translated.

Commando units that will be used to stop the boats. He says they are highly trained, very efficient and very SILENT.
They will use silent inflatable boats to get to our boats and both try to board our boats directly from the inflatables and by dropping divers into the water to clime onto the boats.

He said that no matter the circumstances, the boats must NOT travel by night or with little light. They must keep in formation at all times, with the smaller boats in the inside and the larger boats on the outside. They must not allow any israeli boats to penetrate the formation.

But we are traveling at night, so everyone out there needs to be aware of what the Israeli military is planning. If this does happen, we have been forewarned. The boats have also. Lubna has just reported that some kind of plane came over the ships, perhaps trying to block the satellite and it looks suspiciously like a drone.. which would make sense.

Greta Berlin, Co-Founder
+357 99 18 72 75

Sunday, May 30, 2010

ei: Long-separated family reunites in Gaza through tunnel

ei: Long-separated family reunites in Gaza through tunnel

ei: NATO's other member state

ei: NATO's other member state

ei: Ameer Makhoul's arrest is an assault on all Palestinians in Israel

ei: Ameer Makhoul's arrest is an assault on all Palestinians in Israel

Freedom Flotilla to Hold Memorial Service for US Sailors Slain by Israel in 1967

U.S.S. Liberty Survivor Joe Meadors to Honor Slain Shipmates

On Sunday, May 30, 2010, participants in the international flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip will hold a memorial service at sea to commemorate the 34 Americans killed and 173 injured in Israel's 1967 attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.

Joe Meadors, a signalman on the Navy surveillance ship 43 years ago and a member of the Free Palestine Movement delegation to the flotilla, will lead the ceremony in honor of his crew mates. The service will be held aboard the Sfendoni, a ship contributed to the Freedom Flotilla by the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza. It is scheduled to be held in international waters about 30 miles off the coast of Gaza, near the site of the deadly incident.

Mr. Meadors believes that while the facts of that day in 1967 may never be fully acknowledged, the men who died should not be forgotten. "I am sailing again in the Eastern Mediterranean," he said, "to remember the brave heroes from the Liberty and the forgotten 1.5 million people trapped in Gaza."

Among the passengers joining Mr. Meadors will be Ambassador Edward L. Peck, former State Department Chief of Mission in Iraq and Mauritania, Deputy Director of the Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism at the Reagan White House, and State Department Liaison Officer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. Explaining his presence on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Amb. Peck stated that, "I have been on several trips to the Middle East to promote a resolution but I wanted to do something tangible instead of just talking."

Gaza has been under an Israeli-led blockade since 2006. Amnesty International, in its latest Annual Human Rights Report (May 26, 2010) stated that Israel's siege on Gaza has "deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages have left four out of five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law."

The Freedom Flotilla carries 10,000 tons of relief and developmental aid to Gaza. These supplies are being delivered by a coalition of international civil society and human rights organizations directly to the people of Gaza, using only international waters and the coastal waters immediately off of Gaza for passage. The flotilla is expected to arrive in Gaza late Monday morning.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Корабите за Палестина чакат в Анталия

Корбът „Mavi Marmara” вече е в Анталия в пристанището „Yeni Liman”. Заради закъснение на другите корабите от Гърция, Италия и Ирландия, пътниците ще изчакат още 2 дена в града. След пристигане на всички кораби всички заедно от международните ще потелгят към Газа.

Пътниците от корабите в момента чакат в закрития спортен салон „Kepez”. Активистите снощи органзиираха среща и обсъдиха текущото положение.

Председателят на IHH Бюлент Йълдъръм осведоми пътниците за подробности.
Той подчерта, че Израел прави различни предложения, за да отклони влизането на корабите в пристанището в Газа. Йълдъръм каза: „Израел ни предлага да разтоварим хуманитарната помощ в пристанището в Аскалон, след което те ще се ангажирдат с доставянето им в Газа. Твърдят, че и те помагат на Газа. Но не бяхте ли вие, които убихте децата и опустошихте Газа. Днес Израел се е срещнал с Египет. След отхвърлянето на предложението за пристанището Аскалон ни насочват към пристанището в Ариш в Египет. Но нашата цел е да стигнем в Газа”.

Той продължи така: „След потеглянето на корабите Израел ще ни обвини,че корабите идват за Хамас. Не, ние отиваме там за децата, жените и възрастните. Ние отиваме, за да защитаваме угнетените хора. Било то Хамас или други правителствени и неправителсвена организации водят борбата по техния си начин. В тази флотилия има хора от 50 държави – сред тях евреи, християни и мюсюлмани. Всички се събраха в името на човечеството. Всички са съвестни хора. Радваме се, че сме с тях заедно.”
Във флотилията, съставена от 9 кораба, освен правозащници се включиха много писатели и депутати. Във флотилията ще се включат общо 25 депутати – от Кувейт – 1, Алжир – 10, Йордания – 1 , Йемен – 3 , Бахрейн – 1, Мароко – 1, Египет -2, Ирландия – 3-ма .
В товарния кораб „Gazze”(Газа) се намират 2 104 т. цимент, 600 т. строилетни железа,50 т. други строителни материали.

А в другия товарен кораб „Defne”(Дафина) 150 т. желязо, 98 бр. разнотипни генератора, 50 сголбямеми къщи, 16 развлекателни уреди и мед. материали. Мед. материали са от следните типове: видеозони, рентгенови апарати, болнични легла, зъболекарски уреди, инвалидни колички и акумулаторни такива, микроскопи, уреди за хемодиализа, патерици, уреди за преглед на УНГ(уши, нос, гърло), операциони и гинекологични маси и др. подобни.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Корабът „Mavi Marmara” потегли за Палестина с дуа

Корабът „Mavi Marmara” потегли за Палестина с дуа

Корабът Mavi Marmara(Синьото Мраморно море) със 750 пътници на борда и хуманитарна помощ, беше изпратен от пристанището Сарайбурну/Сиркеджи.
В тържеството по изпращане на кораба се включиха хиляди. На пристанището Сарайбурну навсякъде се вееше палестинското знаме. Всеки, намерил палестинско знаме, се стече при кораба. Тържеството буквално се превърна в митинг. Сред присъстващите имаше жени, дарили своите обеци и гривни. Малки кораби съпроводиха Mavi Marmara след потеглянето му.

За изпращане на кораба се включиха личности от различни неправителствени организации, политически партии, актьори и изпълнители. Преди изпращането на кораба председателите на Free Gaza, IHH (Insani Yardim Vakfi), който е организатор на движението „Направлението ни е Палестина, товарът - хуманитарна помощ”, предствителите от Малайзия, Кувейт, Алжир, Гърция, Англия и Ирландия държаха кратка реч.

Председателят на IHH Бюлент Йълдъръм също изнесе реч. Той събщи, че няма да обръщат внимание на заплахите на Израел и допълни: „Няма да се откажем. Няма да отстъпим назад. Заедно с Иззет Шахин и ние бяхме в затвора. Нашите приятели Фарук Акташ и Бахаттин Йълдъз бяха убити(станаха шахиди) в Афганистан, отишли с цел изграждане на дом за сираци. Аллах да улесни пътя ни. Нас ни подкрепят милиони с дуата си.”
Йърдъръм изрази своята благодарност за подкрепата им на партиите AKP, Saadet Partisi и на Buyuk Birlik Pаrtisi.

Йълдъръм каза, че Израел се отнася към палестинците така, както Хитлер се отнесе с евреите: „В Германия Хитлер създаде концлагери. Сега пък ционистите изграждат концлагери в Палестина. Оттук се обръщам към Израел. Управлявате добре тази криза. Ако се възпротивите на тази акция, ще останете сами - вие ще губите. Това са кораби, натоварени с хуманитарна помощ. Няма дори и един нож. Деца, жени и възрастни, медицински материали.

След него председателят на палестинското движение „За земите от 48-ма” шейх Раид Салах в своята реч похвали премиера Тайип Ердоган. Салах подчерта, че всички арабски лидери трябва да го вземат за пример. Също каза, че Турция и турският народ е рамо до рамо с Палестина.

Депутатът на AKP от Муш Сераджеттин Караягъз каза: „Оръжията на Израел не може да бъдат по-силни от решителни хора. Израел убива хиляди хора и след това обявява Исляма в тероризъм. Това не може да го приемем”.

След изказванията корабът се изпрати с дуа. Mavi Marmara след 40 часово пътуване ще пристигне в Анталия. Значителна част от пътниците ще се качат оттам. Ако Израел не попречи, се очаква корабът да стиге в Газа на 26 май 2010.

Хуманитарните организации като IHH (Организация за хуманитарна помощ) и Free Gaza от 2006 год. насам изпращат помощ със своите кораби на блокираната от Израел Газа. Във флотилията са включени общо 9 кораба – 3 от Турция, 1 от Гърция, 1 от Ирландия, 2 от Англия и по един от Алжир и Кувейт.

Движението, озаглавено „Направлението ни е Плаестина, товарът ни – хуманитарна помощ”, се подкрепя от около 50 държави и хиляди неправителствени организации и активисти. Последната акция се оказва най-голямата досега.

Корабите ще закарат медицински и строителни материали, сглобяеми къщи, играчки за деца и др. подобни хуманитарни средства в Палестина. Товарът е около 10 000 тона.
От Истанбул потеглиха 3 кораба, от които 1 товарен и 2 пътнически. Корабите от Истанбул и другите от Европа ще се срещнат в международни води.

Те ще потеглят от Анталия на 25 май 2010 (вторник). В случай, че Израел не се съпротиви, се очаква след 24 часа корабите да бъдат в Газа.


Friday, May 21, 2010


Popular Struggle – Steadfastness – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

Popular resistance to Israel's apartheid is growing globally! In Palestine, non-violent resistance to land confiscation and settlement expansion is gathering momentum.

Weekly non-violent demonstrations in the West Bank and Gaza have tripled since January, and continue to increase in size and number. The tents are standing strong in Jerusalem's threatened communities of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan, and resistance to settler attacks and land grabs in the Jordan Valley is also building.

The International Solidarity Movement is committed to supporting these communities in their struggle for justice and freedom. We stand alongside Palestinians in demonstrations, stay in the tents and homes of threatened areas, and walk with farmers to their land. By documenting and helping to resist the evils of apartheid, ISM projects the Palestinian struggle to a global audience, and shows Israel that the world is against its actions.

Come and join the Global Intifada in Palestine! Committed volunteers are needed in the West Bank this summer. This new wave of unarmed resistance is exciting and powerful, and it needs your support. Whether for 2 weeks or for 3 months, your contribution is needed. See for more information, or email us at

From abroad: Under the banner of "Global Intifada", solidarity actions are needed worldwide. Please consider organizing an action in your hometown.

The growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is crucial, and is a great way for you to get involved in your own country. Similar tactics were used in ending South African apartheid. For more information, go to

Please join the Global Intifada. We look forward to seeing you here.

ISM Palestine

Protest Ahava - Next Fortnightly Demo on Sunday 23rd May - ISM... - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog | Boycotters Blog Posts

Protest Ahava - Next Fortnightly Demo on Sunday 23rd May - ISM... - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog | Boycotters Blog Posts

Members of Swedish Parliament demand security for Ship to Gaza

On Wednesday, Helén Pettersson, Social Democratic member of the Swedish Parliament, submitted a written inquiry to Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, asking what measures the government intends to take in order to protect Ship to Gaza’s peaceful, lawful, humanitarian initiative. The reason for the inquiry is that Ship to Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla—the coalition in which the Swedish initiative will be included— has been threatened with military resistance from Israeli authorities and private individuals. The following is Petterson’s inquiry in its entirety:

“One and a half million Palestinians are living in isolation on the Gaza Strip, in pure misery. There is a shortage of food, medicine and other necessities, such as building materials to repair homes, schools and other buildings which were destroyed by the bombings during the war around Christmas in 2008. In order to address the situation, Ship to Gaza is planning to take the sea route to Gaza, bringing medicine, desalination plants, cement, etc. in order to help the people in need. Ship to Gaza is a politically and religiously independent, non-profit organization that is working to promote increased respect for human rights and general international law. Israel’s government has now threatened to stop Ship to Gaza and to use force if necessary. Does the Foreign Minister intend to protect this humanitarian initiative?”

As early as last week, Mehmet Kaplan of the Green Party of Sweden requested a meeting with the Foreign Minister, along with Ship to Gaza spokespersons Dror Feiler and Mattias Gardell, in order to discuss which security measures the Swedish government plans to take. Foreign Minister Carl Bildt has still not responded to any of the questions. As the convoy is setting sail this weekend, Ship to Gaza-Sweden wishes to emphasize how important a response from the government is regarding this matter. Especially since the Israeli media is reporting that the Swedish Ambassador to Israel has informed the Israeli government that she and the Swedish government intend to discourage Swedish citizens from participating in the Freedom Flotilla’s peaceful, lawful, humanitarian convoy. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and several other human rights organizations have all condemned the blockade. Furthermore, the director of U.N. relief operations in Gaza, John Ging, welcomes initiatives such as Ship to Gaza, in order to break the blockade.

Ship to Gaza-Sweden
Mattias Gardell: +46 703036666
Dror Feiler: +46 702855777

Free Gaza Movement
Greta Berlin: +33 607374512

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In a shift, Hamas razes homes built after war

by Fares Akram
The New York Times

RAFAH, Gaza -- Nidal Eid was praised by Hamas officials as an example of anti-Zionist resistance when he managed to build a house here last year despite an Israeli blockade that barred the import of any building materials. But earlier this week, his house was the first to be demolished by the Hamas government, which said it had been illegally built on public land.

Bulldozers, accompanied by Hamas forces and police officers who beat residents with sticks, razed at least 25 houses, including some concrete structures here in Rafah, the southernmost city of Gaza.

“A bulldozer placed its shovel on the house and the policemen said we have 10 minutes to leave the home,” said Mr. Eid, 30, a father of nine, the youngest of whom was 15 days old when the house was destroyed.

In a scene reminiscent of those 16 months ago, after the Israeli invasion of Gaza, people could be seen sitting on the debris of their houses or in tents, some women burying their faces in their hands. Crowds gathered to offer comfort to relatives or just to witness the demolitions.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel and West Bank - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel and West Bank - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Professor Noam Chomsky, an American linguist and left-wing activist, was denied entry into Israel and the West Bank on Sunday.

No reason was initially given for the decision, but the Interior Ministry later said immigration officials at the Allenby Bridge border crossing from Jordan had misunderstood Chomsky's intentions thinking initially he was also due to visit Israel.

Chomsky, who is on a speaking tour in the region, was scheduled to speak at Bir Zeit University in the West Bank on Monday.

Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad said officials were now trying to get clearance from the Israel Defense Forces, which controls access to the West Bank to allow Chomsky to enter that territory.

"We are trying to contact the military to clear things up and if they have no objection we see no reason why he should not be allowed in," said Hadad.
Chomsky said inspectors had stamped the words "denied entry" onto his passport when he tried to cross from Jordan over Allenby Bridge.

When he asked an Israeli inspector why he had not received permission, he was told that an explanation would be sent in writing to the American embassy. "They apparently didn't like the fact that I was due to lecture at a Palestinian university and not in Israel," Chomsky told Reuters by telephone from Amman.

Chomsky arrived at the Allenby Bridge at around 1:30 in the afternoon and was taken for questioning, before being released back to Amman at 4:30 P.M.

In a telephone interview with Channel 10, Chomsky said the interrogators had told him he had written things that the Israeli government did not like. "I suggested [the interrogator try to] find any government in the world that likes anything I say," he said.

Chomsky is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is considered among the foremost academics in the world. He identifies with the radical left and is often critical of both Israeli and American policies.

Chomsky said he last visited Israel and the West Bank in 1997 when he lectured at Ben-Gurion University and also at Bir Zeit. He said all his previous West Bank visits had been as a part of trips to Israel.

His Palestinian host, lawmaker Mustafa al-Barghouti called the decision "a fascist action, amounting to suppression of freedom of expression."

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel slammed the Interior Ministry for "using detention and deportation to prevent a man from expressing his opinion", calling it "characteristic of a totalitarian regime."

"A democratic country where freedom of expression is a guiding principle does not close in the face of criticism or ideas that are not comfortable and does not deny entry to guests only because it does not accept their opinions. Instead, it deals with these opinions through public discussion," said ACRI in a statement.

Kadima MK Otniel Schneller, on the other hand, praised the move.
"It's good that Israel did not allow one of its accusers to enter its territory," said Schneller. "I recommend [Chomsky] try one of the tunnels connecting Gaza and Egypt."

Израел забрани на Ноам Чомски достъп до Западния бряг

Израел забрани на Ноам Чомски достъп до Западния бряг
16.05.2010 20:14

Известният американски професор по лингвистика и политически активист от еврейски произход Ноам Чомски получи забрана да влиза в Израел и Западния бряг, заяви палестински представител. Чомски беше поканен да говори в понеделник в палестинския университет Бир Зейт близо до град Рамала, но получи забрана да влиза в Западния бряг от контролирания от Израел пропусквателен пункт от Йордания, заяви палестинският депутат Мустафа Баргути. "Той ни се обади от границата да каже, че е бил спрян за пет часа от израелската страна и след това не е получил разрешение да премине заради неговите възгледи и тъй като е настроен срещу политиката на Израел", каза още Баргути. Представителите на израелското министерство на вътрешните работи, които отговарят за достъпа до страната, не бяха открити за коментар. "Този акт показва естеството на израелското правителство и е насочен срещу свободата на словото, особено щом става въпрос за такава изтъкната и международно призната фигура като Ноам Чомски", заяви Баргути, който покани Чомски да говори в университета. 81-годишният Чомски е професор по лингвистика в Масачузетския технологичен институт и отявлен критик на американската външна политика. Той често се е обявявал и против окупацията на палестинските територии от Израел. /АФП /

утре от 14.30 ч. в зала 111 на ІІ корпус на Нов български
университет ще се проведе публичната лекция на Нидал Хлайф, докторант,
посветена на "Стереотипи за мюсюлманите в американското кино".

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nakba - трагедията с годишнина

Направиха рекордно дълга куфия в Ливан !

In english language:
Palestinians mark Nakba!

Ливанци и палестинци отбелязаха “катастрофата“ от създаването на Израел, установявайки рекорд за най-дългата в света куфия, арабска кърпа за глава.

Дългата 6 552 метра верига от кърпи бе разстлана на терена на стадиона “Спорт Сити“ в Бейрут, за да отбележат това, което арабите наричат “накба“, “катастрофата“ от създаването на Израел през 1948. Събитието, наблюдавано от представител на Световните рекорди “Гинес“ подобрява предишния регистриран опит от 2 932-метрова куфия, установен в Испания през август 1999. Повече от 100 доброволци съединиха гигантския шал във формата на числото 194, обозначаващо резолюцията от 1948 на ООН, която дава правото на палестинците да се завърнат по домовете си на окупираната от Израел територия. Самият опит за рекорд на Гинес е направен от организация със същото име - “Кампания 194“. Надпис в съседство на направената от повече от 6 500 кърпи рекордна куфия гласеше “194. Ние ще се завърнем“. /АФП
Бейрут / Ливан

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Нов блог

Направих блог за Исляма - религията и начин на живот, добре познатия и непознат Ислям, другите религии и ... т.н.

Засега той повтаря сайтовете ми за ислям, сливам ги в този блог, освен че смятам и да блогвам собствени неща.

Предпочитам хората да опознаят поне отчасти религията, отколкото да съдят за нея по определени хора и радиото и телевизията...

Знам, че обикновено религите не са нещо много интересно за хората, поне колкото да се слуша какво е направил някой "краен" и изперкал последовател, действие, което да се коментира. Но ви моля, ако имате питане, да го зададете :-)) и с помощта на Бог, ще ви отговоря...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Israel bans the basics of life - GazaFriends - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog | Boycotters Blog Posts

Israel bans the basics of life - GazaFriends - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog

As we get ready to launch our cargo ship and Israel rattles its sabers threatening to violently stop our 8-boat flotilla, the 1.5 million Palestinians of Gaza cannot be forgotten. It is they who pay the price for the inaction of governments, particularly in the EU and the US.

According to the BCC and Amira Hass in columns last week, Israel allows only 81 items into Gaza for basic and bare necessity life. These items, many of them that have nothing to do with rebuilding a shattered infrastructure after Israel's brutal Operation Cast Lead at the beginning of 2009, are mostly 'added to the list' of imports because of pressure from Israeli merchants who make a great deal of money if their item gets on the approved list.

Watch the video and look at the absurdity of banned items... chocolate, jam, sheets, pillows, and all rebuilding supplies. Taking these supplies into Gaza is exactly what the Freedom Flotilla intends to do.
Then watch the flotilla on our website, pressure your government officials to advocate for our safe passage, and continue to donate what you can for our fuel, captain and crew.

We want to thank everyone of you who have donated, advocated, written and called your representatives. This initiative has grown from a few supporters to thousands around the world.

In the words Alice Walker, poet and author:

Goddess Speed your boat. You are doing the work of The Collective as it attempts to bring Comfort, Support and Abiding Love and Solidarity to Itself. What you demonstrate is what we all, deep in our hearts, can know: We are One People, existing in one Love. The Gazans are us, living in a beleaguered place too small for us, dangerous for us, deadly for us. Just as the air connects us, so does this knowing wisdom of being one expression – human – of an infinitely creative Universe.

I send you my blessings, my prayers for your safety, and my love,
Greta Berlin

Register Now for Our 9th Annual National Organizers' Confe... - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog | Boycotters Blog Posts

Register Now for Our 9th Annual National Organizers' Confe... - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog

Artists thank Gil Scott-Heron for heeding boycott call - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog | Boycotters Blog Posts

Artists thank Gil Scott-Heron for heeding boycott call - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog

New Israeli order allows for mass expulsion from West Bank - Boycotters Israhell's MySpace Blog | Boycotters Blog Posts

New Israeli order allows for mass expulsion from West Bank - Boycotters Israhells MySpace Blog

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cementing Our Support with Gaza

The Freedom Flotilla Sails to Gaza in May

Contact: Greta Berlin, +33 63 142 7577,

Huwaida Arraf, +970-598-336-215, +972-542-635-936,

Caoimhe Butterly, +353 876 114 553,

(London, UK) On May 24, 2010, the Freedom Flotilla sets sail for Gaza determined to, once again, challenge Israel’s blockade of 1.5 million Palestinians trapped in an open-air prison. Under the coordination of the Free Gaza Movement, numerous human rights organizations, including the Turkish Relief Foundation (IHH), the Perdana Global Peace Organization from Malaysia, the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza, and the Swedish and Greek Boat to Gaza initiatives will send three cargo ships loaded with reconstruction, medical and educational supplies. At least five passenger boats with over 600 people on board will accompany the cargo ships.

These passengers include members of Parliament from around the world, U.N., human rights and trade union activists, as well as journalists who will document the largest coordinated effort to directly confront Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza and take in basic supplies.

Said Mary Hughes Thompson, one of Free Gaza’s co-founders, “Although we were happy with the first trips, it was bitter-sweet, knowing that our small boats and symbolic amounts of relief paled in comparison to what was really needed in Gaza. Now, we finally feel we are helping to organize a powerful action, one with the potential to translate into a sustained campaign of much more effective challenges to Israel's brutal siege.”

In the past three months, Israel has limited fuel to run the power station. Much of Gaza is often in darkness. There are just enough trucks coming in to barely prevent total starvation, and Egypt, complicit with the Israeli-US policy of blockading Palestinians, is building an underground steel wall to prevent people in Gaza from bringing in vitally needed supplies through tunnels.

A cargo ship sponsored by the people of Malaysia and loaded with cargo donated from citizens of Ireland, Scotland, and Britain as well as thousands around the world, will depart from Ireland the second week of May. When it reaches the Mediterranean, she will be joined by the other boats and begin the journey to Gaza.

Dr. Mona El-Farra, Deputy Director of the Union of Health Work Committees in Gaza was pleased to hear we are coming back. “When the two boats from Free Gaza entered the harbor in 2008, it was like a dream, it was historic. And all great things start with some dreamers who made it true. For us in Gaza, the dream of freedom will not be lost, and we welcome this next voyage with open hearts.”

The Free Gaza Movement along with the partners listed above, are the organizers of this flotilla. However, dozens of organizations and tens of thousands of people around the world are taking part to make this voyage a success.

Greta Berlin

At Berkeley, moral victory despite divestment vote loss

Dina Omar, The Electronic Intifada, 3 May 2010

On 28 April, University of California, Berkeley's Student Senate narrowly missed an historic opportunity to divest its funds from United Technologies and General Electric which manufacture F-16 jets and Apache helicopters -- weapons sold to the Israeli military and used against civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

More than a month earlier, on 18 March 2010, the Student Senate approved a bill (SB118A) to divest from companies that provide military support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. UC Berkeley student body president Will Smelko vetoed SB118A a week later, and the bill was voted on again on 14 April and 28 April was the last debate considering the bill. However, the count was one vote short of the two-thirds majority (14 votes) needed to override the veto.

The battle at Berkeley -- part of a global movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions of apartheid Israel -- was closely watched. Speakers for the bill on 28 April and on 14 April included UC Berkeley faculty members Judith Butler, Daniel Boyarin, Hatem Bazian, law professor George Bisharat of UC Hastings and UN Special Rapporteur on human rights Richard Falk along with testimonies of Palestinian students living under Israeli occupation.

Notable personalities and dozens of activist groups on campus and around the world strongly supported the resolution. More than 40 student groups representing a variety of ethnic groups and political interests joined the call on the university to divest its funds from companies profiting from Israel's war crimes.

More than 100 UC faculty members, 45 from UC Berkeley, signed a statement supporting overriding the presidential veto. Prominent thinkers such as Naomi Klein, Alice Walker and five Nobel Peace Prize Laureates -- among them Archbishop Desmond Tutu -- supported UC Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine in their efforts to uphold the divestment bill.

Nobel Women Peace Laureates Shirin Ebadi, Mairead Maguire, Rigoberta Menchu Tum and Jody Williams issued a Statement of Support reading: "We stand united in our belief that divesting from companies that provide significant support for the Israeli military provides moral and strategic stewardship of tuition and taxpayer-funded public education money."

However, the tremendous amount of support for SB118A was not enough to override the veto.

According to a report in the Jewish Daily Forward, the Berkeley chapter of Hillel organized closed meetings for the student senators with representatives of the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Community Relations Council, J Street and Akiva Tor, the Israeli consul general of San Francisco ("How To Beat Back Israel Divestment Bill: Get Organized," 21 April 2010).

Some senators received threatening e-mails and Senator Emily Carlton told the Forward: "'There were undertones of intimidation'" during the meeting organized by Hillel. Three student senators reversed their votes over the course of multiple senate meetings and extensive lobbying efforts.

Waseem Salahi, a UC Berkeley student and senator-elect, questioned the influence of powers that be: "The senators knew what was right, but decided instead to cow to political pressure and intimidation." After the bill missed passage by one vote, international students expressed their dismay about attending a university that continues to actively support the oppression of their family members and friends overseas.

In support of the bill UC Berkeley alum Basima Sisemore told the student senators a moving story about her two-year-old cousin who died at an Israeli checkpoint in the occupied West Bank because he was turned away while in need of medical attention.

The final speaker and visiting scholar from Palestine, Ibrahim Shikaki, drew a standing ovation from the audience by when he challenged the senators, saying: "the narrative that has captured you is the same that named Nelson Mandela and Malcom X terrorists. If that is the case, then I am a proud, indigenous, Palestinian freedom fighter, because that is what we are. Rethink your terminology, rethink your narrative, rethink injustice and rethink this veto."

Once it was clear the veto was going to be upheld, despite the wishes of the 700 students, educators and community members supporting the bill, the supporters exited the room with their mouths covered in tape in a gesture meant to convey that their voices had been silenced by the veto.

Senator Rahul Patel, who supported the bill from the beginning, invited student supporters to raise their left fist in the air and to walk out. Patel said their fists raised symbolized "The seeds of truth and freedom that we have sowed tonight."

Hundreds of students walked out of the meeting, and reconvened outside to share their feelings about the vote. UC Berkeley and SJP alum Sophia Ritchie said: "Something has shifted -- in the discourse, in the sheer numbers of people who are concerned, in the solidarity work and coalition building amongst a broad and truly diverse range of student and community groups, in the energy around Palestine -- that cannot be ignored. In this way, we are winning."

Dina Omar is a UC Berkeley graduate student in Middle Eastern Studies and Anthropology. The author is a member of SJP and a poet and currently works as the membership coordinator for the Arab Resource and Organizing Center.

Bereaved Gaza astronomer opens up the heavens

Rami Almeghari writing from , The Electronic Intifada, 4 May 2010

Suleiman Baraka stargazing in Gaza. (Amjad Hammad)

As the sun set on a clear evening in Gaza City, Suleiman Baraka was setting up his telescope on the rooftop of the French Cultural Center as two dozen visitors waited anxiously to gaze into the stars. It was a rare occasion to break away -- at least momentarily -- from the siege on the ground in the Gaza Strip.

"It is such an exciting experience for me that I never imagined would happen," said Suzan al-Barashly, one of the waiting star-gazers. "I've been used to nothing but Israeli warplanes and drones buzzing over our heads. I have never enjoyed the beauty of our sky. I am seeing the stars close to me -- such a beautiful scene."

In recent years, the Gaza Strip has witnessed widespread Israeli air raids that targeted many parts of the coastal territory, the latest and deadliest of which was in the winter of 2008-09. More than 1,400 persons, mostly civilians, were killed in the attacks.

That reality was not far from al-Barashly's mind. "I just told a friend that I am afraid to look into this telescope," she said. "It resembles a rocket launcher, so I am afraid the Israeli unmanned drones will hit us, thinking we are launching rockets."

Ahmad, another amateur astronomer, said, "I feel glad to have experienced something that is unimaginable in Gaza. Really, thanks to Mr. Suleiman, who made us enjoy such an incredible moment."

For the past several weeks, astronomer Suleiman Baraka has been touring the Gaza Strip with his telescope to allow as many individuals as possible to enjoy a few moments looking up into the heavens. His first stop was with the schoolmates of his late son, Ibrahim.

Ibrahim Baraka
Baraka, 46, hails from the southern Gaza Strip and holds a doctorate in astrophysics from an Australian university. In 2007, he spent a year doing research at the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States. In January 2009, he returned to Gaza after Ibrahim, aged 11, was killed in an Israeli air strike that hit his home in the town of Bani Suhaila. Baraka now lives at his brother's home in Bani Suhaila along with his own four-member family.

"The killing of my son inspired in me a message of peace, a message that I decided to convey to his killers," Baraka said. "I gathered Ibrahim's fellow students and started teaching them how to be inspired to be scientists."

"I didn't teach them sources of horror or terror," Baraka recalled. "Rather, I wanted to send out a message that the sky, from which my son was killed, is a beautiful sky that has beautiful things to look at."

Along with the killing of his son and the destruction of his home, Baraka lost his large library of scientific books. With a smile full of pride, the astronomer also spoke about his experience at NASA.

"Man is great, man can do everything, once he is provided with the tools for creation. When you take off the social or economic burdens that always pose an obstacle in the face of achievement, man can do anything and can reach the moon. The Americans have been successful enough, ensuring such proper conditions for creation."

Before his position at NASA, Baraka had spent time doing research at Virginia Tech. When he first joined NASA, Baraka said, "I felt so proud of being a part of this prestigious American agency," he recalled.

Asked whether he planned to stay in Gaza or move abroad, Baraka replied that he is thinking of staying in Gaza to foster research for the benefit of the entire Gaza community.

"In coordination with a local university here, I plan to open up the first-ever space research department, hoping that in a course of five years, Gaza will see several space researchers, God willing," Baraka said.

But even bringing his highly-advanced Meade LXD 75 telescope into the Gaza Strip was enormously difficult due to the strict blockade Israel has imposed on in the territory for almost three years.

"Three countries helped bring this equipment into Gaza, but I am not going to name any of them," the astronomer said after an evening of star-gazing. As he spoke, he packed up the telescope, ready for the next stop on his tour.

Rami Almeghari is a journalist and university lecturer based in the Gaza Strip

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Изобретиха детектор за свинско месо

04.05.2010 11:58
В Казахстан готвачите често мамят за месото в храната и уредчето би предотвратило неволни грехове сред мюсюлманите

Детекторът ще засече, че месото в това ястие е свинско

Учени в Казахстан изобретиха детектор, който безпогрешно установява дали в храната има свинско месо.

За предимно мюсюлманското население в страната уредчето може да се окаже изключително полезно, защото би предотвратило неволни грехове.

Детекторът представлява пластмасова пръчица и реагира при наличието на молекули, които се срещат само в свинското.

То е забранено на изповядващите исляма като "нечисто", но лесно може да се намери на пазара в Централна Азия на ниска цена, пише местният в. "Мегаполис", цитиран от Ройтерс.

Не е тайна, че някои готвачи мамят и слагат свинско вместо телешко месо в ястията, за да бъдат по-евтини, пише изданието и допълва, че тази практика е широко разпространена в Казахстан.

Когато ви поднесат храната, трябва да отрежете няколко малки парченца от месото, да ги сложите в чаша с вода, да разбъркате леко и след това да сложите детектора вътре.

Резултатът ще бъде готов до минута-две.

Ако месото е свинско, той променя цвета си като тестовете за бременност.

Въпрос на време е устройството да стане достъпно за масовия казахстанец, отбелязва "Мегаполис".

В страната има много свинеферми. Една част от месото, произведено в тях, се консумира от немюсюлманското население, а другата отива за износ.

Източник: Ройтерс,БГНЕС
Снимки: ЕПА/БГНЕС,