Аз, Палестина и останалия свят. . :: Израелски войници възпрепятстват достъпа до окупираните палестински територии ...
Израелски войници възпрепятстват от сутринта достъпа до окупираните палестински територии на Западния бряг, съобщават "Ел Мундо" и испанската държавна телевизия RTVE, цитирайки ЕФЕ. Според "Ел Мундо" мярката ще бъде в сила за 48 часа и според властите е необходима за мирното протичане на тържествата за еврейския празник Пасха, който започва тази вечер. Прекратеният достъп до Западния бряг автоматично преустановява и придвижването до земите на Източен Йерусалим.
Израелският в. "Аарец" пише, че блокадата ще продължи по-дълго - 9 дни.
Забраната не се отнася единствено до журналисти, лекари, адвокати, представители на НПО, хуманитарно ангажирани лица и такива, които имат нужда от спешна медицинска помощ. Във всички изброени случаи обаче желаещите да преминат трябва да се свържат с израелските военни главнокомандващи в района. Журналистите трябва предварително да обявят маршрута си пред властите.
Израелските заселници на Западния бряг и в Източен Йерусалим също не са засегнати от блокадата. Палестинската автономия изрази негодуванието си срещу решението на Израел, което възпрепятства 2.5 млн. палестинци да напускат свободно обградените от войници земи, ако не го правят от хуманитарни съображения. След преговори с израелската община в Йерусалим бяха издействани специални разрешителни за 1250 изпълняващи религиозни длъжности, както и за 550 студенти и професори, населяващи тези земи. Според RTVE за Великден ще могат да се приберат в домовете си на Западния бряг и 10 000 палестински християни, а в Газа - 500.
Пасха ознаменува успешното бягство на предвожданите от Мойсей евреи от Египет. В дните на празника представителите на юдаизма могат да ядат само безквасен хляб от пшенично брашно (маца), а магазините и заведенията не предлагат тестени изделия и бира. По данни на "Аарец" над 550 000 евреи, работещи в чужбина или туристи, ще се приберат по домовете си или ще посетят Израел за Пасха.
вд / Бг Таймс
Boycott israHell!
Бойкот на израел и печелещите от окупацията! Boycott israHell and those who profit from occupation!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
FRIDAY: Support the London Gaza Protesters - Demo outside next court hearing
The next hearing is scheduled for the 26th March, at 9.30 at Isleworth Crown Court. It is important that as many people as possible come out to show that they support the young people and recognise the unfairness of these convictions and will not stand for it.
Facebook event here:
For more background, see the campaign website:
and Facebook group:
Our present aim should be to campaign for reduced sentences, release of prisoners, and dropping of charges. This is the very least that these brave and conscious young people deserve.
Many thousands of us came out to demonstrate against Israeli war crimes committed against the people of Gaza in January 2009. Motivated by images of violent death and destruction, and a desire to express solidarity with the people of Gaza, adults and children spontaneously gathered at the Israeli Embassy in London to demand justice.
Following these protests 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
22 young people have already been sent to prison. Their sentences have ranged from 8 months to 2 years.
Judge Denniss has clearly stated that many of the sentences he has passed have been deterrence sentences, intended to deter future protesters, and that he will continue to do so. These are political sentences, intended to criminalise the right to protest and which unfairly target the Muslim community.
ISM London
Facebook event here:
For more background, see the campaign website:
and Facebook group:
Our present aim should be to campaign for reduced sentences, release of prisoners, and dropping of charges. This is the very least that these brave and conscious young people deserve.
Many thousands of us came out to demonstrate against Israeli war crimes committed against the people of Gaza in January 2009. Motivated by images of violent death and destruction, and a desire to express solidarity with the people of Gaza, adults and children spontaneously gathered at the Israeli Embassy in London to demand justice.
Following these protests 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
22 young people have already been sent to prison. Their sentences have ranged from 8 months to 2 years.
Judge Denniss has clearly stated that many of the sentences he has passed have been deterrence sentences, intended to deter future protesters, and that he will continue to do so. These are political sentences, intended to criminalise the right to protest and which unfairly target the Muslim community.
ISM London
Thanks everyone - I'm OK - Huwaida Arraf
Dear friends,
Thanks so much for your concern, solidarity and support. I was released last night at around 6:45pm from Neve Tirtze prison in Ramle. Save for minor cuts and bruises, I am OK. I haven't gotten a chance to see Ellen Stark (the ISM volunteer shot in the arm) yet. I hear she has a broken wrist but is doing OK.
I was arrested on Friday at around noon as I tried to get the Israeli soldiers to stop shooting at people in Nabi Saleh (a small village of about 400 people), especially after ISM volunteer Ellen Stark was shot in the arm. We were in Nabi Saleh for a weekly demonstration by the villagers against the theft of their land. Simultaneous demonstrations were taking place in Jerusalem and in a number of villages throughout the West Bank. In Nabi Saleh, the demonstration took the form of people walking down a hill towards the confiscated land. "Stop shooting...a woman has been injured and needs medical attention"
I yelled at the soldiers, making my way back up the hill to the road they stood on (shooting down at us knowing the rugged terrain we were on made it very difficult to move quickly to avoid their barrage of tear gas and bullets). When I got on the road the soldiers turned their guns on me but I just kept talking and walking towards them. "We have a woman that has been shot; she needs help. Stop shooting. There is no reason to be shooting at people like this. You are in THEIR village." For this I was handcuffed and thrown in a jeep, later accused of: (1) attacking a police officer; (2) cursing at the military and police; (3) obstructing the operations of the military; and (4) being in a closed military zone.
Instead of being taken to a police station, as Israeli citizens and foreigners are supposed to be, I was taken to the illegal settlement of Halamish where I was held for nearly eight hours outside in the cold. Two other Palestinians from Nabi Saleh, Omar who is 23 and Amjad, 22 were also arrested and brought there. The soldiers and border police were particularly abusive to Omar and Amjad, pushing them around, forcing them to stand for hours, handcuffed and blindfolded and every few minutes yelling at them to lift their heads, so they couldn't rest or fall asleep. When I protested this abuse I was told to "shut the f*** up" and if I didn't, I would get the same treatment. I responded, "I don't really care, but it's sad that you feel you have to treat people so inhumanely." "Shut the f*** up!"
At one point, when Omar couldn't feel his hands or move his fingers anymore (a combination of tight plastic cuffs and the cold, we were taken into a building supposedly to be checked by a doctor. The same officer who kept telling me to shut up, abusing his power because he can, ordered us to stand facing the wall. I refused this unnecessary measure and show of macho bullying, and was dragged back outside, lifted by my arms, while still cuffed behind my back, and then thrown on the ground. The dehumanization of Palestinians was not only evident amongst the soldiers, but also the Jewish settlers. Since we were held outside in the settlement, we were exposed to settler youth who surrounded and hurled profanities at us.
The ISM lawyer says that my arrest was illegal; that I should have been taken before a judge the same day I was arrested. Israeli citizens and internationals have that right. Palestinians don't. I was separated from Omar and Amjad at about 2:00 in the morning as after we were interrogated I was taken to a women's prison in Ramle, and they to the Ofer military prison. In the end I was detained for 31 hours then released. If I had not been released I would have come before a judge last night.
It will likely be at least another week before Omar and Amjad will be allowed to see a judge. At that point they will be accused of violence because they were protesting, unarmed, against the confiscation of their land. The heavily armed soldiers that invaded their village, immediately began shooting tear gas and rubber coated steel bullets; the soldiers that damaged 10 Palestinian homes and injured 25 people in Nabi Saleh aren't the violent ones. We are. Omar and Amjad are likely to have to pay a fine and/or post a hefty bail to be released, if they are not held for months first.
The police released me right before I was scheduled to come before a judge. This is likely because they had nothing to bring before a judge. I probably should have refused release and challenged their actions in court, but I really didn't want to make a big deal out of my arrest, when so many other worse things are happening.
That said, so many good things are happening also. Solidarity actions around the world are on the rise, the BDS movement is gaining more support every day, and the spirit of the Palestinian people is high. Israel expects to be able to continue stealing land and resources, subjugating the indigenous people, and using violence to subdue any kind of protest from the colonized and their supporters. We don't have the weapons Israel has to fight back, but we have our spirit and our voices with which we will fight. Israel should be under no illusion that it can intimidate or break us.
Thanks so much again for your concern and support!
In solidarity & struggle,
Thanks so much for your concern, solidarity and support. I was released last night at around 6:45pm from Neve Tirtze prison in Ramle. Save for minor cuts and bruises, I am OK. I haven't gotten a chance to see Ellen Stark (the ISM volunteer shot in the arm) yet. I hear she has a broken wrist but is doing OK.
I was arrested on Friday at around noon as I tried to get the Israeli soldiers to stop shooting at people in Nabi Saleh (a small village of about 400 people), especially after ISM volunteer Ellen Stark was shot in the arm. We were in Nabi Saleh for a weekly demonstration by the villagers against the theft of their land. Simultaneous demonstrations were taking place in Jerusalem and in a number of villages throughout the West Bank. In Nabi Saleh, the demonstration took the form of people walking down a hill towards the confiscated land. "Stop shooting...a woman has been injured and needs medical attention"
I yelled at the soldiers, making my way back up the hill to the road they stood on (shooting down at us knowing the rugged terrain we were on made it very difficult to move quickly to avoid their barrage of tear gas and bullets). When I got on the road the soldiers turned their guns on me but I just kept talking and walking towards them. "We have a woman that has been shot; she needs help. Stop shooting. There is no reason to be shooting at people like this. You are in THEIR village." For this I was handcuffed and thrown in a jeep, later accused of: (1) attacking a police officer; (2) cursing at the military and police; (3) obstructing the operations of the military; and (4) being in a closed military zone.
Instead of being taken to a police station, as Israeli citizens and foreigners are supposed to be, I was taken to the illegal settlement of Halamish where I was held for nearly eight hours outside in the cold. Two other Palestinians from Nabi Saleh, Omar who is 23 and Amjad, 22 were also arrested and brought there. The soldiers and border police were particularly abusive to Omar and Amjad, pushing them around, forcing them to stand for hours, handcuffed and blindfolded and every few minutes yelling at them to lift their heads, so they couldn't rest or fall asleep. When I protested this abuse I was told to "shut the f*** up" and if I didn't, I would get the same treatment. I responded, "I don't really care, but it's sad that you feel you have to treat people so inhumanely." "Shut the f*** up!"
At one point, when Omar couldn't feel his hands or move his fingers anymore (a combination of tight plastic cuffs and the cold, we were taken into a building supposedly to be checked by a doctor. The same officer who kept telling me to shut up, abusing his power because he can, ordered us to stand facing the wall. I refused this unnecessary measure and show of macho bullying, and was dragged back outside, lifted by my arms, while still cuffed behind my back, and then thrown on the ground. The dehumanization of Palestinians was not only evident amongst the soldiers, but also the Jewish settlers. Since we were held outside in the settlement, we were exposed to settler youth who surrounded and hurled profanities at us.
The ISM lawyer says that my arrest was illegal; that I should have been taken before a judge the same day I was arrested. Israeli citizens and internationals have that right. Palestinians don't. I was separated from Omar and Amjad at about 2:00 in the morning as after we were interrogated I was taken to a women's prison in Ramle, and they to the Ofer military prison. In the end I was detained for 31 hours then released. If I had not been released I would have come before a judge last night.
It will likely be at least another week before Omar and Amjad will be allowed to see a judge. At that point they will be accused of violence because they were protesting, unarmed, against the confiscation of their land. The heavily armed soldiers that invaded their village, immediately began shooting tear gas and rubber coated steel bullets; the soldiers that damaged 10 Palestinian homes and injured 25 people in Nabi Saleh aren't the violent ones. We are. Omar and Amjad are likely to have to pay a fine and/or post a hefty bail to be released, if they are not held for months first.
The police released me right before I was scheduled to come before a judge. This is likely because they had nothing to bring before a judge. I probably should have refused release and challenged their actions in court, but I really didn't want to make a big deal out of my arrest, when so many other worse things are happening.
That said, so many good things are happening also. Solidarity actions around the world are on the rise, the BDS movement is gaining more support every day, and the spirit of the Palestinian people is high. Israel expects to be able to continue stealing land and resources, subjugating the indigenous people, and using violence to subdue any kind of protest from the colonized and their supporters. We don't have the weapons Israel has to fight back, but we have our spirit and our voices with which we will fight. Israel should be under no illusion that it can intimidate or break us.
Thanks so much again for your concern and support!
In solidarity & struggle,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Israeli aircraft attack Gaza target (Reuters)
Israeli aircraft attack Gaza target (Reuters)
19 March 2010, 6:38 AMGAZA - Israeli aircraft struck at least six targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday a day after a rocket fired from the Palestinian enclave killed a Thai worker in Israel, Hamas security officials and witnesses said.
Two civilians were wounded in one of three attacks on smuggling tunnels along the border with Egypt. The other targets included two open areas in Khan Younis and a metal foundry near Gaza City.
An Israeli military spokesman confirmed six sites had been targeted, including two tunnels dug near the Israeli border fence and a weapons manufacturing site, and added “direct hits were identified.”
Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom had said on Thursday Israel would make a strong response to what was the first deadly rocket fire from Hamas-ruled Gaza at Israel in more than a year.
Israel also sent a letter of complaint to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who is due to visit Israel at the weekend, and the U.N. Security Council.
Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Gabriela Shalev urged Ban to call for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Gaza militants in 2006. Hamas has demanded Israel free hundreds of the thousands of militants in its jails in exchange for the soldier.
A previously unknown group, Ansar al-Sunna, believed to share the hardline ideology of al Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the rocket fire at Israel, as well as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a wing of the mainstream Fatah movement.
Hamas Islamists, who took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007, had been urging other militant groups not to strike Israel, voicing concern about possible Israeli retaliation.
Palestinian militants in Gaza have carried out sporadic rocket and mortar bomb attacks on Israel since the end of a three-week Gaza war in January 2009, in which 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed, usually without causing any casualties.
The Israeli military spokesman said more than 330 rockets have been fired from Gaza since the war. “We will continue to act against anyone who executes terror attacks against Israel,” he said, reading a prepared statement.
Israel has responded to most ovoid casualties as a signal to Hamas Israel holds it responsible while aware it was not behind the rocket fire, and to avert the appearance of disrupting U.S.-backed diplomacy in the region.
The latest air strikes took place the day of a meeting of Quartet Middle East power mediators in Moscow and just ahead of a planned visit by U.S. envoy George Mitchell, who is seeking to relaunch moribund peace talks in the region.
19 March 2010, 6:38 AMGAZA - Israeli aircraft struck at least six targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday a day after a rocket fired from the Palestinian enclave killed a Thai worker in Israel, Hamas security officials and witnesses said.
Two civilians were wounded in one of three attacks on smuggling tunnels along the border with Egypt. The other targets included two open areas in Khan Younis and a metal foundry near Gaza City.
An Israeli military spokesman confirmed six sites had been targeted, including two tunnels dug near the Israeli border fence and a weapons manufacturing site, and added “direct hits were identified.”
Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom had said on Thursday Israel would make a strong response to what was the first deadly rocket fire from Hamas-ruled Gaza at Israel in more than a year.
Israel also sent a letter of complaint to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who is due to visit Israel at the weekend, and the U.N. Security Council.
Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Gabriela Shalev urged Ban to call for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, captured by Gaza militants in 2006. Hamas has demanded Israel free hundreds of the thousands of militants in its jails in exchange for the soldier.
A previously unknown group, Ansar al-Sunna, believed to share the hardline ideology of al Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the rocket fire at Israel, as well as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a wing of the mainstream Fatah movement.
Hamas Islamists, who took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007, had been urging other militant groups not to strike Israel, voicing concern about possible Israeli retaliation.
Palestinian militants in Gaza have carried out sporadic rocket and mortar bomb attacks on Israel since the end of a three-week Gaza war in January 2009, in which 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed, usually without causing any casualties.
The Israeli military spokesman said more than 330 rockets have been fired from Gaza since the war. “We will continue to act against anyone who executes terror attacks against Israel,” he said, reading a prepared statement.
Israel has responded to most ovoid casualties as a signal to Hamas Israel holds it responsible while aware it was not behind the rocket fire, and to avert the appearance of disrupting U.S.-backed diplomacy in the region.
The latest air strikes took place the day of a meeting of Quartet Middle East power mediators in Moscow and just ahead of a planned visit by U.S. envoy George Mitchell, who is seeking to relaunch moribund peace talks in the region.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Блокада на Йерусалим
Update: към 11:00 израелският вестник „Аарец“ съобщи, че блокадата на Източен Йерусалим е вдигната.

Преди това: В понеделник израелската полиция обяви, че запазва състоянието на бойна готовност в Източен Ерусалим и за четвърти пореден ден продължи забраната за достъп на палестинци мъже под 50-годишна възраст в района на джамията „Ал-Акса”. Полицията разположи заграждения и барикади на подстъпите към Стария град и там се разположиха специални части в черно облекло, снабдени със звукови и газови гранати. Поради тези мерки откриването на Синагогата на разрухата снощи бе съпроводено от необичайно спокойствие в района на джамията „Ал-Акса” и Източен Ерусалим. В района се допускаха само жители на Стария град, а на собствениците на магазини там бе наредено да представят документи за собственост или платени данъци.
Националното и ислямското движение бяха отправили призиви за събиране на хората при джамията „Ал-Акса”, но директорът на Ерусалимските вакъфи д-р Аззам Ал-Хатиб каза: „Над джамията е наложена блокада, над града е наложена блокада, даже пред автобусите с богомолци от вътрешността на израелските територии полицията постави препятствия и не им бе позволен достъп.” Старият град и главният пазар изглеждаха обезлюдени, а в противовес навсякъде из обновения еврейски квартал имаше движение.
Завеждащият въпросите на Ерусалим в ръководството на Движението „Фатах” Хатем Абдул Кадир заяви: „Синагогата на разрухата не е просто обикновена синагога, а опорен пункт и встъпление към т.нар. изграждане на Соломоновия храм върху развалините на Храмовия хълм. Тази синагога ще бъде преден пост на репресиите, религиозния фанатизъм и екстремизма.”
Десетки палестинци бяха ранени по време на сблъсквания с израелската армия в град Рамалла на Западния бряг. Видният палестински политик и бивш министър-председател Ахмад Корейа обърна внимание, че мерките, предприети от Израел, заплашват да предизвикат избухване на ново въстание интифада. Пред журналисти Корейа каза: „Народната интифада не става с вземане на решение, тя е натрупване на мъката и неправдата, от която страда народът, и ако нещата продължат по този начин, независимо дали ние ще вземем решение или не, интифадата е близо; щом Израел продължава с тази практика, тя е близо.”
в. „Ал-Кудс Ал-Арабий”, 16 март 2010

Преди това: В понеделник израелската полиция обяви, че запазва състоянието на бойна готовност в Източен Ерусалим и за четвърти пореден ден продължи забраната за достъп на палестинци мъже под 50-годишна възраст в района на джамията „Ал-Акса”. Полицията разположи заграждения и барикади на подстъпите към Стария град и там се разположиха специални части в черно облекло, снабдени със звукови и газови гранати. Поради тези мерки откриването на Синагогата на разрухата снощи бе съпроводено от необичайно спокойствие в района на джамията „Ал-Акса” и Източен Ерусалим. В района се допускаха само жители на Стария град, а на собствениците на магазини там бе наредено да представят документи за собственост или платени данъци.
Националното и ислямското движение бяха отправили призиви за събиране на хората при джамията „Ал-Акса”, но директорът на Ерусалимските вакъфи д-р Аззам Ал-Хатиб каза: „Над джамията е наложена блокада, над града е наложена блокада, даже пред автобусите с богомолци от вътрешността на израелските територии полицията постави препятствия и не им бе позволен достъп.” Старият град и главният пазар изглеждаха обезлюдени, а в противовес навсякъде из обновения еврейски квартал имаше движение.
Завеждащият въпросите на Ерусалим в ръководството на Движението „Фатах” Хатем Абдул Кадир заяви: „Синагогата на разрухата не е просто обикновена синагога, а опорен пункт и встъпление към т.нар. изграждане на Соломоновия храм върху развалините на Храмовия хълм. Тази синагога ще бъде преден пост на репресиите, религиозния фанатизъм и екстремизма.”
Десетки палестинци бяха ранени по време на сблъсквания с израелската армия в град Рамалла на Западния бряг. Видният палестински политик и бивш министър-председател Ахмад Корейа обърна внимание, че мерките, предприети от Израел, заплашват да предизвикат избухване на ново въстание интифада. Пред журналисти Корейа каза: „Народната интифада не става с вземане на решение, тя е натрупване на мъката и неправдата, от която страда народът, и ако нещата продължат по този начин, независимо дали ние ще вземем решение или не, интифадата е близо; щом Израел продължава с тази практика, тя е близо.”
в. „Ал-Кудс Ал-Арабий”, 16 март 2010
Is The Holocaust A New 'Religion' with 10 Commandments?
source: ION's blog
Jerusalem -- According to the Israeli philosophy professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the 'Holocaust' is a new religion.
Leibowitz' countrymen Shraga Elam, Gilad Atzmon, Yoshua Shalev and others have further developed this concept, reasoning like this:
Most Jews today are either atheists or shun the religion of Judaism. Therefore, the Jewish people had to adopt belief in the 'Holocaust' as their new religion. They have spread this religion all over the world.
'Holocaust' museums are the new houses of worship and are present in most major cities.
The new religion has its commandments, its decrees, its prophets, its high priests, its circle of saints, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It knows neither mercy, nor forgiveness, nor clemency but only the duty of vengeance. If you question the 'Holocaust Religion', you will go to prison.
The 'Ten Commandments' of this 'Holocaust Religion' may be enunciated as follows:
1. Remember what Amalek (the Non-Jews) has done to thee.
2. Thou shalt never compare THE HOLOCAUST with any other Genocide.
3. Thou shalt never compare the Nazi crimes with those of Israel.
4. Thou shalt never doubt the number of 6 million Jewish victims.
5. Thou shalt never doubt that the majority of them died in gas chambers.
6. Thou shalt not doubt the central role of SATAN Hitler in the extermination of the Jews.
7. Thou shalt never doubt the right of Israel to exist as the Jewish state.
8. Thou shalt not criticize the leading Jewish organizations and the Israeli government.
9. Thou must never criticize Jewish organizations and the Zionist leadership for abandoning the European Jewry in the Nazi era
10. Thou shalt take these commandments literally and never show mercy to them that doubt!
Gilad Atzmon: I am - too - a Holocaust Survivor (2009-10-27)
The Holocaust as a new catholic dogma:
Jerusalem -- According to the Israeli philosophy professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the 'Holocaust' is a new religion.
Leibowitz' countrymen Shraga Elam, Gilad Atzmon, Yoshua Shalev and others have further developed this concept, reasoning like this:
Most Jews today are either atheists or shun the religion of Judaism. Therefore, the Jewish people had to adopt belief in the 'Holocaust' as their new religion. They have spread this religion all over the world.
'Holocaust' museums are the new houses of worship and are present in most major cities.
The new religion has its commandments, its decrees, its prophets, its high priests, its circle of saints, its rituals and its pilgrimages. It knows neither mercy, nor forgiveness, nor clemency but only the duty of vengeance. If you question the 'Holocaust Religion', you will go to prison.
The 'Ten Commandments' of this 'Holocaust Religion' may be enunciated as follows:
1. Remember what Amalek (the Non-Jews) has done to thee.
2. Thou shalt never compare THE HOLOCAUST with any other Genocide.
3. Thou shalt never compare the Nazi crimes with those of Israel.
4. Thou shalt never doubt the number of 6 million Jewish victims.
5. Thou shalt never doubt that the majority of them died in gas chambers.
6. Thou shalt not doubt the central role of SATAN Hitler in the extermination of the Jews.
7. Thou shalt never doubt the right of Israel to exist as the Jewish state.
8. Thou shalt not criticize the leading Jewish organizations and the Israeli government.
9. Thou must never criticize Jewish organizations and the Zionist leadership for abandoning the European Jewry in the Nazi era
10. Thou shalt take these commandments literally and never show mercy to them that doubt!
Gilad Atzmon: I am - too - a Holocaust Survivor (2009-10-27)
The Holocaust as a new catholic dogma:
Newly dedicated Rachel Corrie Street in Ramallah.

Newly dedicated Rachel Corrie Street in Ramallah.
On March 16th 2003, an Israeli bulldozer killed the American activist Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza. Today, in Kafr Sur, near Tulkarem, and in Ramallah, family, friends and supporters gathered together to commemorate the anniversary of her murder.
Students of Kafr Sur Secondary School, who have been working on a research project about Rachel’s life and death, today marked the anniversary with a march to a memorial stone at the entrance to the village. The students were joined by children from the nearby primary school, as the stone was unveiled and speeches were delivered by the headmaster, one of the students, and an ISM activist.

A boy in Tulkarem smiles and holds photos of Rachel.
Approximately fifty Palestinians, Internationals and media then joined Craig and Cindy Corrie, Rachel’s parents, for the inauguration ceremony of Rachel Corrie Street in Ramallah. Speeches were delivered by both the Mayor and Governor of Ramallah, the Minister of State, National Parties’ Coordinator, an ISM activist and Rachel’s parents.
At both events, speakers talked of the lasting impact left by Rachel, as an inspiration to those involved with the non-violent resistance in Palestine and across the world. Rachel’s mother spoke about how her daughter has become a symbol for the anti-Occupation movement, and of how grateful she and her family are to the Palestinians they have come to know and love over the past seven years for their unfailing support, despite the suffering they themselves continue to experience.
The coming weeks also mark the seventh anniversaries of the shootings of the British activist Thomas Hurndall, who was shot in the head whilst shielding children in Rafah from Israeli sniper fire, and who died in hospital nine months later, and Brian Avery, an American who was shot in the face in Jenin, but who mercifully survived. Last weekend saw the one year anniversary of Tristan Anderson being hit in the head with a high velocity tear gas canister in Nilin. Tristan is still recovering in an Israeli hospital.
Сблъсъци в Източен Йерусалим

Близо 50 палестинци и 8 израелски полицаи са били ранени при сблъсъци в източната част на Йерусалим, съобщава РИА Новости.
Вълненията в източната част на града, населеена предимно с араби, започнаха след призива на няколко палестински фракции, сред които и "ХАМАС", за "безсрочна акция" в защита на Йерусалим и мюсюлманските му светини от "юдеизация".
Задържани са 42 участници в протеста. В популярния сред туристите исторически център на града сериозни инциденти.
Почти всички ранени са пострадали леко от стрелба с гумени куршуми, изстрелване на сълзотворен газ и подобни мерки, предприети от властите в отговор на хвърлените от демонстрантите камъни и коктейли „Молотов".
публикувано на 29 май 2009

По време на разговорите си с Махмуд Аббас, Барак Обама подкрепи каузата за свободна палестинска държава. Идеята за Свободна и Обединена Палестина е на път да се осъществи. Но дали?
Президентите на САЩ винаги са говорели много по този въпрос, но действията им са били ограничени. В този конфликт последна дума има Израел, тъй като силите му са най-големи.
Сценарий 1
Ако Израел се съгласи да съществува свободна Палестина, то в страната ще започнат процеси, които могат да разклатят Кнесета. При съгласие на Израел да освободи определените за палестински територии зами, състоянието на Израел вътре в него ще е напрегнато, тъй като много националисти няма да са съгласни. Вероятно привържениците на Ерец Израел ще протестират спрямо решението за Палестина и напрежението ще стигне своята връхна точка. Може да се стигне и до атентати насочени към членове на правителството, какъвта беше случаят с Рабин, застрелян, заради желанието си да се съгласи за Палестина.
Съгласието на Израел ще доведе до създаването на Палестина. Интересно е какво ще последва след това – дали враждуващите и ламтящи за власт фракции в Газа и Западния бряг ще се обединят или ще има раздори.
Арабският свят ще приветства създаването на Палестина. Повечето арабски страни ще се надпреварват в изграждането на новата държава- проекти за инфраструктура, жилища, работни места и т.н. Това също може да доведе до конфликти.
Сценарий 2
Израел отказва да признае Палестина. Продължават строежите на нови заселнически жилища, което довежда до ескалация на напрежението. Палестинските фракции продължават борбата си, като може отново да се стигне до самоубийствени атентати в Тел Авив, Йерусалим и други градове.
От своя страна, националистите в Израел ще се активизират от тези действия на палестинците и се стига да сблъсък. Арабските държави също се дистанцират все повече от идеята за мир с Израел.
И в двата случая може да стане нещо, което сме виждали вече. И в двата сценария може да се стигне до конфликт, независимо от какво естество. Националистите в Израел ще приемат единствено идеята за Велик Израел, което не включва признание на Палестина.
От своя страна арабските страни на двата полюса. Сирия и държавите около неайната политика ще искат признание на Палестина, тъй като може да се реши и въпросът за Голан. Определено, ако Израел признае палестинските територии, Сирия ще иска част от Голан да бъде върната на Сирия. Вторият кръг са държавите, които са управлявани от правителства, зависими от конфликта между евреи и араби. Това са С.Арабия, Йордания и т.н. страни, чиито правителства са марионетни. Спиране на конфликта означава и спиране на продажба на оръжия и н.н. неща, които сега се пласират.
При всички случаи, конфликт ще продължава да има, защото това е важно за държавите в района. Максимата, че мирът не е изгоден на никой, важи с пълна сила.
* Sat.
March 20: End Wars and Occupations Protest in DC, SF or LA!
Seven years ago today, 23 year-old Rachel Corrie of Olympia, Washington was crushed to death by a Caterpillar D-9R bulldozer driven by an Israeli soldier. Rachel was
part of an International Solidarity Movement group trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian pharmacist's home in Rafah, Gaza.
Seven years later, Rachel's memory is still vibrant and her family is still fighting for answers. Rachel's parents and sister are currently in Israel participating in a civil case against the state of Israel for intentional and unlawful killing and gross negligence in Rachel's death. In addition to seeking accountability for Rachel's death through the Israeli court system, the Corrie family has requested that we support Rachel's vision of freedom for Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip by participating in a national call-in dayto the White House.
Please honor the request of this bereaved family and do the following:
§ Call the White House at 202-456-1111
§ Urge Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell to visit Gaza and demand that the United Statesbreak the blockade of Gaza by providing immediate humanitarian aid and building materials.
§ Click [mailto:organizer@endtheoccupation.org] here [mailto:organizer@endtheoccupation.org]
to report back [mailto:organizer@endtheoccupation.org] to us about your call.
You can also send the White House an email making these demands, but truth be told, phone calls are taken more seriously. Click [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPW53wOho8njutZgh_zbwbRB6-rmTlNXjMLyhy2QVKON0xLN4S3nk0larwuWxKgnGg0lvID3yGaY3WL4QmvCRmKuNmnAI2BR3e5pCgK1RqSPpz1mjkiAssQUxDZwnu5SJ5C5Ne4MGQczN7iFdocVGjSgXU8zXCuT6T4FJSKD77whLwxvD5tPGc-3UVSvWGgTvvA=] here to send President Obama an email [http://r20.rs6.net tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPW53wOho8njutZgh_zbwbRB6-TlNXjMLyhy2QVKON0xLN4S3nk0larwuWxKgnGg0lvID3yGaY3WL4QmvCRmKuNmnAI2BR3e5pCgK1RqSPpz1mjkiAssQUxDZwnu5SJ5C5Ne4MGQczN7iFdocVGjSgXU8zXCuT6T4FJSKD77whLwxvD5tPGc-3UVSvWGgTvvA=]calling for him to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Congressman Brian Baird, whose constituents include Rachel's parents Cindy and Craig, has already sent a letter to President Obama requesting that the United States break the siege of Gaza. Click [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPXSD81dlH0Kdp4OrjGP7ugnghy__e5H4cG1M3xXsP_r0YhFIlVR6b1gKxYhDcla4E40XENfilhDOxWhFwp4F_kOBMhOQ8cVJIFcv6duh5-WLIGEeV0i3egNb3HK4S-VgxfRXSyazFEnzeyQnch5BsMKoCSRBBz3XI6sW0_iNM_BcvPLz7E9oVGrql0vZIqgyU_QsvgPLM48Ww==]
here [
to read his words [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPXSD81dlH0Kdp4OrjGP7ugnghy__e5H4cG1M3xXsP_r0YhFIlVR6b1gKxYhDcla4E40XENfilhDOxWhFwp4F_kOBMhOQ8cVJIFcv6duh5-WLIGEeV0i3egNb3HK4S-VgxfRXSyazFEnzeyQnch5BsMKoCSRBBz3XI6sW0_iNM_BcvPLz7E9oVGrql0vZIqgyU_QsvgPLM48Ww==].
In addition to participating in our national call-in day, you may be able to attend a
Rachel Corrie memorial event in your area. Click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUzmMtqNTUbQgjMPlNuUNLJY4_mM1pnWm2PwMQaNP1UCEUanbhxEtTyKvE_chbQW4HBtp5y1JxSDrgwe9mNiAFCokcWEr3YVIeYqhbXZ1id7CALuKBjWIdfNL8DdUVh8kzhNWUZDzmppy3_NKxFo81Fy21sBRr2jkxNqQFOWNJyzqklu1IuoNQvgoxlwPLLvhtdbLSInoyOkoLkEbTHR4ZBq0dpUk4c7fyHR6z2--gkpynPUzfT2s3kp-pR6VvwmlkfhC8LsUv6iFXhJrORiCGGX_7ODH5xmfm0bZ5bu1QCwMU8hZn1yDUZ]
to find out what's happening in your neighborhood [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUzmMtqNTUbQgjMPlNuUNLJY4_mM1pnWm2PwMQaNP1UCEUanbhxEtTyKvE_chbQW4HBtp5y1JxSDrgwe9mNiAFCokcWEr3YVIeYqhbXZ1id7CALuKBjWIdfNL8DdUVh8kzhNWUZDzmppy3_NKxFo81Fy21sBRr2jkxNqQFOWNJyzqklu1IuoNQvgoxlwPLLvhtdbLSInoyOkoLkEbTHR4ZBq0dpUk4c7fyHR6z2--gkpynPUzfT2s3kp-pR6VvwmlkfhC8LsUv6iFXhJrORiCGGX_7ODH5xmfm0bZ5bu1QCwMU8hZn1yDUZ].
Another way to show your support for the Corrie family as they move forward with their civil case in Israel is to sign up for updates from the trial. The Corries and
their supporters will be posting reports from the courtroom, media mentions of
the case, and other updates on the Rachel Corrie Foundation
website. Click [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU9H1m2wcC7LQnajb4pSS_jqgaj2igsYGaAdxoSC80JbX13OjVnFdHvnqsUaYI_qSN8_QDeNHc6-s8re_cmz2KX9zwdHO2y5KGVmzSUvmSXA0ZcaHldZ1OG3VvPINUMGIU=]
here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU9H1m2wcC7LQnajb4pSS_jqgaj2igsYGaAdxoSC80JbX13OjVnFdHvnqsUaYI_qSN8_QDeNHc6-s8re_cmz2KX9zwdHO2y5KGVmzSUvmSXA0ZcaHldZ1OG3VvPINUMGIU=]
to view the trial updates page [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU9H1m2wcC7LQnajb4pSS_jqgaj2igsYGaAdxoSC80JbX13OjVnFdHvnqsUaYI_qSN8_QDeNHc6-s8re_cmz2KX9zwdHO2y5KGVmzSUvmSXA0ZcaHldZ1OG3VvPINUMGIU=]on
the Rachel Corrie Foundation website. Monitor coverage of the trial in your local media and post favorable comments about trial coverage for on-line media stories and write a letter-to-the-editor if your newspaper includes trial coverage. For tips on how to write a letter-to-the-editor, click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPX2svUfSUtRSYYcBkN7fQGMBw1ZrJ5sUpciaeO1WPqdwvIRlk3cBlA-8pVX5agV4YPL1MuDSyEuoRnsPHueJU4Ib6yCKzTxWyo06renBfvlC6FbptTJylrBR-pPH2jbfZ5S9P8evXqYKg==].
From the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUkQ_AbPtbAgp76xIkEqiHoVsJ0c-1J42Z_BQjbK1cW-vKdC9TOzQR9ENV2hzm-bsyjXspoSYtCbreyolugz1N0yWhAjPgDOR2uSrSrgRNJqw==]
Saturday, March 20, 2010 End Wars and Occupations Join a Protest in DC, SF or LA!
People from all over the country are going to march in Washington,
DC [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPWBYiFe3d17kC9l4vzBIsSInOG1axslXJnKDCNC08GunfBXHI5h1cgehM9lo8w4XH2W2IjxW2zK17TXvh9C2syjofKyRondHajJAFvVVpc589c8drP9nPMPY0xFY2T_gsETHb3l5fu8jNMlLX8gjYKv1IwlXWXH4zY=],
San Francisco [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPW1_VDQWSlaHpNm6PzniYJIMun4JoUdanz3d8o93Y2uugBcOxaUyg08YaCgYjimqs9xRPk1_axJhKp1gxcdOWU1LcXrF86MQVbA8o_g1oSFJRI4KMQ8WpZM],
and Los Angeles [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUrumFeWrWDdr8QZPunPUFKODHvP7jOiaMOixV_71XetX_23jBc_JIEtuvvYIxhdA3a_FSiSIffgNo_CTRqjQ48Ap4YBabWGnPtjG_Rc_0veAKYHzpNo-WUC-w3nWaANLPTEKT5VwMcmLaYTUB6_WuF]to
demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. and NATO
forces from Afghanistan and Iraq.
We will march together to say "No Colonial-type Wars and Occupations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine!" We will march together to say "No War Against Iran!" We will march together to say "No War for Empire Anywhere!"
Instead of war, we will demand funds so that every person can have a job, free and
universal health care, decent schools, and affordable housing.
More Events
Palestine Cinema: A Shorts Program [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPVW1slD9xYsE58lxoXd5ICfoRDfiZbWGSSwcy9D9SWZ3RZBWN_zYniw82o1Qs9jYHZfRVquUWVZnobJy7vw_mQrOPQKBpCnzmwmrPbe35IYCF4l3lGiaB30X4723JONfENmoZyRaXJw3w==]
3/16, 7:15 and 9:15pm, SF Red Vic Movie House
Film Screening of Cornerstore [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU5dR0E4jLtMm3jCbBQe0LKFj1_kbbLY3AyTEVFiWTs98N_3U-Mi41u7h0zZsNCw3jn6cujkRz5GcCxPf7Tlnkjif0kjbiWb29n3dApjABu2zuCpR5Q2r5_]
3/27, 3pm &
7pm, SF
Victoria Theater
16th and Capp Streets
Film followed by a discussion with Michel Shehadeh, protaganist Yousef Elhaj, and Director Katherine Bruens.
Reading of Lysistrata [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUJJvOMQnSBcJqjovzL9hwjWfHc5fSqjSTohjcqMQSJ9gJ7z2c1hH6AKpmFkZBUBsLatSSPYozzHGWLaWckIy55-F52ALg9ziX8_hqh4s4kWpZP9CEYUu2hFxr1NMqbb6JEd5p_HSoNeg==]
A fundraiser for MECA, Fairfax
3/28, 3pm, Fairfax Women's Club
142 Bolinas Road
Join Our Mailing List! [http://visitor.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1011356073331]
* Sat.
March 20: End Wars and Occupations Protest in DC, SF or LA!
Seven years ago today, 23 year-old Rachel Corrie of Olympia, Washington was crushed to death by a Caterpillar D-9R bulldozer driven by an Israeli soldier. Rachel was
part of an International Solidarity Movement group trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian pharmacist's home in Rafah, Gaza.
Seven years later, Rachel's memory is still vibrant and her family is still fighting for answers. Rachel's parents and sister are currently in Israel participating in a civil case against the state of Israel for intentional and unlawful killing and gross negligence in Rachel's death. In addition to seeking accountability for Rachel's death through the Israeli court system, the Corrie family has requested that we support Rachel's vision of freedom for Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip by participating in a national call-in dayto the White House.
Please honor the request of this bereaved family and do the following:
§ Call the White House at 202-456-1111
§ Urge Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell to visit Gaza and demand that the United Statesbreak the blockade of Gaza by providing immediate humanitarian aid and building materials.
§ Click [mailto:organizer@endtheoccupation.org] here [mailto:organizer@endtheoccupation.org]
to report back [mailto:organizer@endtheoccupation.org] to us about your call.
You can also send the White House an email making these demands, but truth be told, phone calls are taken more seriously. Click [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPW53wOho8njutZgh_zbwbRB6-rmTlNXjMLyhy2QVKON0xLN4S3nk0larwuWxKgnGg0lvID3yGaY3WL4QmvCRmKuNmnAI2BR3e5pCgK1RqSPpz1mjkiAssQUxDZwnu5SJ5C5Ne4MGQczN7iFdocVGjSgXU8zXCuT6T4FJSKD77whLwxvD5tPGc-3UVSvWGgTvvA=] here to send President Obama an email [http://r20.rs6.net tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPW53wOho8njutZgh_zbwbRB6-TlNXjMLyhy2QVKON0xLN4S3nk0larwuWxKgnGg0lvID3yGaY3WL4QmvCRmKuNmnAI2BR3e5pCgK1RqSPpz1mjkiAssQUxDZwnu5SJ5C5Ne4MGQczN7iFdocVGjSgXU8zXCuT6T4FJSKD77whLwxvD5tPGc-3UVSvWGgTvvA=]calling for him to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Congressman Brian Baird, whose constituents include Rachel's parents Cindy and Craig, has already sent a letter to President Obama requesting that the United States break the siege of Gaza. Click [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPXSD81dlH0Kdp4OrjGP7ugnghy__e5H4cG1M3xXsP_r0YhFIlVR6b1gKxYhDcla4E40XENfilhDOxWhFwp4F_kOBMhOQ8cVJIFcv6duh5-WLIGEeV0i3egNb3HK4S-VgxfRXSyazFEnzeyQnch5BsMKoCSRBBz3XI6sW0_iNM_BcvPLz7E9oVGrql0vZIqgyU_QsvgPLM48Ww==]
here [
to read his words [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPXSD81dlH0Kdp4OrjGP7ugnghy__e5H4cG1M3xXsP_r0YhFIlVR6b1gKxYhDcla4E40XENfilhDOxWhFwp4F_kOBMhOQ8cVJIFcv6duh5-WLIGEeV0i3egNb3HK4S-VgxfRXSyazFEnzeyQnch5BsMKoCSRBBz3XI6sW0_iNM_BcvPLz7E9oVGrql0vZIqgyU_QsvgPLM48Ww==].
In addition to participating in our national call-in day, you may be able to attend a
Rachel Corrie memorial event in your area. Click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUzmMtqNTUbQgjMPlNuUNLJY4_mM1pnWm2PwMQaNP1UCEUanbhxEtTyKvE_chbQW4HBtp5y1JxSDrgwe9mNiAFCokcWEr3YVIeYqhbXZ1id7CALuKBjWIdfNL8DdUVh8kzhNWUZDzmppy3_NKxFo81Fy21sBRr2jkxNqQFOWNJyzqklu1IuoNQvgoxlwPLLvhtdbLSInoyOkoLkEbTHR4ZBq0dpUk4c7fyHR6z2--gkpynPUzfT2s3kp-pR6VvwmlkfhC8LsUv6iFXhJrORiCGGX_7ODH5xmfm0bZ5bu1QCwMU8hZn1yDUZ]
to find out what's happening in your neighborhood [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUzmMtqNTUbQgjMPlNuUNLJY4_mM1pnWm2PwMQaNP1UCEUanbhxEtTyKvE_chbQW4HBtp5y1JxSDrgwe9mNiAFCokcWEr3YVIeYqhbXZ1id7CALuKBjWIdfNL8DdUVh8kzhNWUZDzmppy3_NKxFo81Fy21sBRr2jkxNqQFOWNJyzqklu1IuoNQvgoxlwPLLvhtdbLSInoyOkoLkEbTHR4ZBq0dpUk4c7fyHR6z2--gkpynPUzfT2s3kp-pR6VvwmlkfhC8LsUv6iFXhJrORiCGGX_7ODH5xmfm0bZ5bu1QCwMU8hZn1yDUZ].
Another way to show your support for the Corrie family as they move forward with their civil case in Israel is to sign up for updates from the trial. The Corries and
their supporters will be posting reports from the courtroom, media mentions of
the case, and other updates on the Rachel Corrie Foundation
website. Click [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU9H1m2wcC7LQnajb4pSS_jqgaj2igsYGaAdxoSC80JbX13OjVnFdHvnqsUaYI_qSN8_QDeNHc6-s8re_cmz2KX9zwdHO2y5KGVmzSUvmSXA0ZcaHldZ1OG3VvPINUMGIU=]
here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU9H1m2wcC7LQnajb4pSS_jqgaj2igsYGaAdxoSC80JbX13OjVnFdHvnqsUaYI_qSN8_QDeNHc6-s8re_cmz2KX9zwdHO2y5KGVmzSUvmSXA0ZcaHldZ1OG3VvPINUMGIU=]
to view the trial updates page [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU9H1m2wcC7LQnajb4pSS_jqgaj2igsYGaAdxoSC80JbX13OjVnFdHvnqsUaYI_qSN8_QDeNHc6-s8re_cmz2KX9zwdHO2y5KGVmzSUvmSXA0ZcaHldZ1OG3VvPINUMGIU=]on
the Rachel Corrie Foundation website. Monitor coverage of the trial in your local media and post favorable comments about trial coverage for on-line media stories and write a letter-to-the-editor if your newspaper includes trial coverage. For tips on how to write a letter-to-the-editor, click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPX2svUfSUtRSYYcBkN7fQGMBw1ZrJ5sUpciaeO1WPqdwvIRlk3cBlA-8pVX5agV4YPL1MuDSyEuoRnsPHueJU4Ib6yCKzTxWyo06renBfvlC6FbptTJylrBR-pPH2jbfZ5S9P8evXqYKg==].
From the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUkQ_AbPtbAgp76xIkEqiHoVsJ0c-1J42Z_BQjbK1cW-vKdC9TOzQR9ENV2hzm-bsyjXspoSYtCbreyolugz1N0yWhAjPgDOR2uSrSrgRNJqw==]
Saturday, March 20, 2010 End Wars and Occupations Join a Protest in DC, SF or LA!
People from all over the country are going to march in Washington,
DC [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPWBYiFe3d17kC9l4vzBIsSInOG1axslXJnKDCNC08GunfBXHI5h1cgehM9lo8w4XH2W2IjxW2zK17TXvh9C2syjofKyRondHajJAFvVVpc589c8drP9nPMPY0xFY2T_gsETHb3l5fu8jNMlLX8gjYKv1IwlXWXH4zY=],
San Francisco [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPW1_VDQWSlaHpNm6PzniYJIMun4JoUdanz3d8o93Y2uugBcOxaUyg08YaCgYjimqs9xRPk1_axJhKp1gxcdOWU1LcXrF86MQVbA8o_g1oSFJRI4KMQ8WpZM],
and Los Angeles [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUrumFeWrWDdr8QZPunPUFKODHvP7jOiaMOixV_71XetX_23jBc_JIEtuvvYIxhdA3a_FSiSIffgNo_CTRqjQ48Ap4YBabWGnPtjG_Rc_0veAKYHzpNo-WUC-w3nWaANLPTEKT5VwMcmLaYTUB6_WuF]to
demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. and NATO
forces from Afghanistan and Iraq.
We will march together to say "No Colonial-type Wars and Occupations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine!" We will march together to say "No War Against Iran!" We will march together to say "No War for Empire Anywhere!"
Instead of war, we will demand funds so that every person can have a job, free and
universal health care, decent schools, and affordable housing.
More Events
Palestine Cinema: A Shorts Program [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPVW1slD9xYsE58lxoXd5ICfoRDfiZbWGSSwcy9D9SWZ3RZBWN_zYniw82o1Qs9jYHZfRVquUWVZnobJy7vw_mQrOPQKBpCnzmwmrPbe35IYCF4l3lGiaB30X4723JONfENmoZyRaXJw3w==]
3/16, 7:15 and 9:15pm, SF Red Vic Movie House
Film Screening of Cornerstore [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPU5dR0E4jLtMm3jCbBQe0LKFj1_kbbLY3AyTEVFiWTs98N_3U-Mi41u7h0zZsNCw3jn6cujkRz5GcCxPf7Tlnkjif0kjbiWb29n3dApjABu2zuCpR5Q2r5_]
3/27, 3pm &
7pm, SF
Victoria Theater
16th and Capp Streets
Film followed by a discussion with Michel Shehadeh, protaganist Yousef Elhaj, and Director Katherine Bruens.
Reading of Lysistrata [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103197759191&s=5095&e=0018G5JHJF_nPUJJvOMQnSBcJqjovzL9hwjWfHc5fSqjSTohjcqMQSJ9gJ7z2c1hH6AKpmFkZBUBsLatSSPYozzHGWLaWckIy55-F52ALg9ziX8_hqh4s4kWpZP9CEYUu2hFxr1NMqbb6JEd5p_HSoNeg==]
A fundraiser for MECA, Fairfax
3/28, 3pm, Fairfax Women's Club
142 Bolinas Road
Join Our Mailing List! [http://visitor.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1011356073331]
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