Boycott israHell!

Boycott israHell!
Бойкот на израел и печелещите от окупацията! Boycott israHell and those who profit from occupation!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Photos from Palestinian Conference in Bucharest

Dl. Prof. Anton Caragea

Dl. Ahmed Faruk Unsal
Dl. Khalid Al-Awaisi

Dl. Mohammed Bhaiyat

Dl. Nur Choudhray

Dl. Vasile Simileanu

Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Monday - In Solidarity with Palestine

Dear Milena,
Today is Black Monday, when everyone's office internet fails as people shop online at their desk. It is also the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Today is a great day to show your solidarity by engaging in both buy-cott and boycott actions to support Palestinian human rights.
  • Start by buying products that support the Palestinian economy, such as those we offer in cooperation with Canaan Fair Trade at our online store. A portion of the sale price supports our work.
  • Or make a gift to the US Campaign through our Wish List, which has everything we need to get our office running smoothly in the New Year.
  • Then buy "End the Occupation" gifts for your family and friends. One cannot have too much Palestine paraphenalia, such as a warm winter hoodie or "End the Occupation" coffee mug.
  • You can also join our "Save (the) Amazon" team. So far there are nearly 200 of us. Myself included.
  • Take part in protests, demonstrations and other creative actions against products and companies that support Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Today, our own steering committe member, Judith LeBlanc, will speak on behalf of civil society in support of Palestinian rights at the UN's annual commemoration in New York.
Tonight my team and I will be at George Washington University with our local Students for Justice in Palestine, listening to our great friend and former steering committee member, Huwaida Arraf, as well as our own National Advocacy Director, Josh Ruebner, talk about the international achievements in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, and other direct actions to support Palestinian human rights.

Our eyes will be glued to the computer today, reading the latest WikiLeaks revelations – more than a quarter of a million pages on the U.S. Government's role in exacerbating conflicts in the Middle East and around the world.
The WikiLeaks documents are a reminder of the need for civil society stand up and take action. Remember that our government was the LAST in the world to stop supporting South African apartheid.
The responsibility to demand change is on us.
Rob Mosrie
Executive Director

Международен ден за солидарност с палестинския народ

Чества се от 1978 г. с резолюция 32/40 В на Общото събрание на ООН от 2 декември 1977 г. и във връзка с резолюция 181 (II) по въпросите на Палестина от 29 ноември 1947 г.
В чест на решението на Общото събрание на ООН от 29 ноември 1977 г. за премахването на британския протекторат над Палестина, обявен на 11 септември 1922 г., и за разделянето й на две държави - еврейска и арабска. Въпреки плана на ООН, Палестина престава да съществува като държава след Арабско-израелската война от 1948 г. и е поделена между Израел, Египет (ивицата Газа) и Йордания (Западния бряг на р. Йордан). Западният бряг и ивицата Газа са окупирани от Израел през 1967 г.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Превръщането на мирните демонстрации в престъпление

Не само, че организирането на протести е очевидно престъпление според израелските власти, но в последните дни стана ясно, че това “престъпление“ заслужава безкрайно лишаване от свобода.
Повече в статията по материали от What’s the point of a trial? Protest organizer detained indefinitely и Eid without a father and husband
Празникът Ейд (в България познат повече като Байрам) е свято време от годината за мюсюлманите. Семействата се събират заедно или ходят на гости на роднини през четирите празнични дни, защото това са дните, в които всеки трябва да бъде заедно с любимите си хора. Когато един член на семейството липсва, празникът не е същият.
Хилядите семейства на палестинските политически затворници страдат, тъй като членове на семейството им са в затвора. За Majida, съпругата на Абдула Абу Рама, който вече една година е в израелски затвор по обвинение за „подбудителство“, всеки ден без мъжа ѝ е изпитание.
Тя изрази болката си да вижда как децата ѝ растат без баща си не само по време на празника, но всеки ден. Louma (на 8 години) и layam (на 7 години), които придуржавали баща си Abdallah по време на семейните празнични посещения, сега плачат, когато говорим за баща им. Неговият един и половина-годишен син Layath дори не го помни, тъй като е бил само на 7 месеца през нощта, в която Abdallah е бил арестуван.
„Когато види снимка на Абдала той казва Баба (татко на арабски), но разбира се той не го познава, тъй като тогава бе малко бебе“, казва Majida.
Но и за децата на Адийб Абу Рама, празникът не е същият без баща им. И двете семейства се надяваха бащите им да успеят да се върнат у дома за Ейд, но военната прокуратурата успя да отложи освобождаването и в двата случая.

Арестуван пред децата си
Срещнах се с Majida и децата, докато се подготвяха са пазника. Louma и Layam помагаха на майка си, докато тя готвеше палестинското ястие “dawali” (подобно на българските сарми от лозови листа).
Съпругата и две от дъщерите на Абдула по време на подготовката им за празника
Тя си припомни нощта, в която семейството е било грубо събудено посреднощ от войници на израелската армия, които нахлули в къщата им:
“Събудих се, чувайки някой да хлопа на вратата в 1:30 през нощта на 10-ти декември 2009 година). Абдала предположи, че това са войници – кой друг би могъл да бъде по това време?“
Изведнъж вратата е била разбита и войниците нахлули в къщата. Абдала бива откаран при стълбището, където бил заобиколен от четирима войници. Не му позволили да се сбогува със семейството си, само две от дъщерите му успели да преминат през войниците и да го видят за последен път. Трябвало да смени пижамата си на стълбището, докато 9 джипа и кучета чакали навън. Majida си спомня каква била реакцията на дъщерите:
“Louma питаше: Това сън ли е? Войниците наистина ли взеха татко? Layam питаше същите въпроси – и двете смятаха, че това е кошмар.”
В месеците преди да бъде арестуван, армията е провеждала често акции за да го издирва. Децата често били будени от маскирани войници през нощта, това ги травматизирало. След като баща им бил арестуван през онази нощ, 8-годишната Layam казала на майка си, че се радва, че войнците вече няма да идват.
“Представи си колко е тъжно за мен като майка да чуя това”, допълва Majida, “Но сега, когато говорим за Абдала, тя плаче. И двете плачат и се радват едновременно, защото те го обичат, той им липсва, помнят какъв грижовен баща и приятел е той. И на мен ми липсва.“
Докато говорим, Layath е хванал 2-метров флаг и казва “la, la l’jdar!” (Не, не на стената!), изглежда сякаш е тръгнал да демонстрира. “Името му означава Лъв. Той е млаък, но е силен. Трябва да бъде силен. “ , казва майки му. Той не осъзнава какво се е случило с баща му, но ще разбере, когато порасне.
Семействата на жителите на Билин, който са част от мирните демонстрации срещу Стената и разрастващите си колониални селища не могат да спят спокойно през нощта. Дестеки къщи са били щурмувани през нощта, децата са травматизирани от това да видят как бащите и братята им биват отведени надалеч от маскирани войници. Безсъние, подмокряне и други подобни симптоми са често срещани сред тези деца.
5 месеца преди Абдала да бъде арестуван, неговият братовчед Адийб Абу Рама бива арестуван по време на демонстрация в Билин. Съпругата му е получила само веднъж разрешение да го посети във военния затвор Офер , където двамата с Абдала са държани. Дъщерята на Адийб, Radja (на 20 години) не е могла да го види нито веднъж досега поради “съобръжения за сигурност”. Този Ейд (Барйам) не е същият и за семейството на Адийб – съпругата му и деветте им деца на възраст от 4 до 20 години.
“Този празник не носи щастието, което носеше преди. Преди на Байрам цялото семейство се събираше, ходехме и посрещахме гости. Но сега баща ни не е тук и той липсва на всички. Празникът не е празник без него”, казва Radja.
Три от децата на Адийб
След ареста на Адийб, семейството се е надявало, че той ще бъде освободен бързо. Вместо това, след месеци чакане израелският съд го е осъдил на 1 година затвор, тогава семейството отново решило, че скоро ще се прибере, защото почти бил излежал присъдата си. Но военната прокоратура обжалва и за сега се надяват да бъде освободен на 12-ти декември. Тогава точно година и половина ще бъде измината откакто Radja е видяла баща си за последен път.

Финансовата ситуация на семейството също не е лека през последната година и половина. В семейството няма голям брат, който би могъл да помога финансово. Най-големият син Мохамед е на 16 години и е все още ученик. Две от дъщерите са в университет и сега имат трудности да платят таксите. Доходите на семейството идват от малкия им магазин, който обаче не е достатъчен, те имат нужда и от доходите на Адийб като шофьор на такси.
Ум Мохамед (Майката на Мохамед) носи и сама отоговрността по отглеждането на децата; въпреки, че помогат, доколкото им е възможно, повечето от тях не са достатъчно големи. Тя има нужда от съпруга си и присъства на всяко дело в съда за да може поне за малко да го види. Но не ѝ е позволено да говори с него, освен по време на едиснтвеното посещение в затвора. Radja разказва как Batoul (на 4 години) е реагирала, когато посетила баща си в затвора:
“Тя не можеше да разбере защо той не може да бъде с нас вкъщи. Вкъщи тя постоянно плачеше и стана нервна. Питаше: Защо го отведоха? Когато го видя в затвора тя изпадна в шок, не искаше да говори. След като осъзна, че той няма да се прибере с нас вкъщи, започна да говори. Но как можехме да отоговрим на въпросите ѝ? Ясно е, че те го арестуваха и все още го държат в затвора, защото се страхуват от успеха на мирните демонстрации. Страхуват се, че чрез тях светът ще види какво Израел ни причинява, за това измислиха доказателства срещу водачите на демонстрациите.
Нямайки друг избор, изглежда и двете семейства са много силни и успяват, макар и с много усилия, да живеят без главите на семействата. Те са стояли в неизвстеност с месеци преди да се стигне до присъда, и са преживели голямо разочарование при произнасянето на присъдата и обжалването ѝ след нея, което в крайна сметка лишава децата от баща им. През юли тази годиан Адийб Абу Рама бе осъден на една година поради “насърчаване на насилие”, и още 6 месеца могат да бъдат добавени към тази присъда при разглеждането в четвъртък, когато държавната прокаратура ще обжалва присъдата. Според първото решение на съда, Абдала Абу Рама трябваше да бъде освободен тази седмица, но освобождението бе отложено. Въпреки всички трудности и болка, двете семейства не губят своята надежда и сила, защото знаят каква е причината за арестите. Както Majida казва:
Съпругът ми бе част от всяка демонстрация, говореше открито срещу стената и колониалните селища. Въпреки страданието ни, въпреки че собствените му деца растат без него, ние знаем, че действията му бяха успешни.Израел се почуства толкова заплашен от демострациите, че се наложи да отстранят силните личности като съпругът ми и Адийб.
Повече за двата случая:
Абдала Абу Рама е член на Народния комитет на Билин срещу Стената и Поселенията от неговото създаване през 2004 година.
В 2 часа през нощта на 10-ти декември 2009 (Международния ден на правата на човека) , точно година след като е получил медала Carl Von Ossietzky от International League for Human Rights, девет военни автомобила обграждат дома му в Рамала. Израелските военни разбиват входната врата и извждат Абдала със завързани очи в ареста.
След като през септмеври бе обвинен в подбуждане и организиране на незаконни демонстрации, на 12-ти октомври Абдала Абу Рама бе осъден на 12 месеца затвор плюс 6 месеца условна присъда от 3 години и глоба от 5 000 израески шекела.
След обявяването на присъдата, Европейският съюз в официално заявление осъди преследването на Абу Рама. Представители на всички страни членки на съюза заявиха, че смятат Стената, построена върху палестински земи за незаконна и поради това смятат Абу Рама за “защитник на човешките права”, който е участвал в мирни протести срещу стената и че са загрижени относно присъдата му.
В четвъртък, 18-ти ноември, денят, в който присъдата на Абдуала изтичаше и той трябваше да излезе на свобода, за пореден път това не се случи – Военният апелативен съд реши той да остане зад решетките в очакване на решението относно обжалването от страна на Военна прокуратура на присъдата.
Решението идва след драматично съдебно заседание, в което в последния момент (или денят на планираното освобождаване) Военната прокуратура поиска удължаване на присъдата на Абу Рама. Решението противоречи на съдебната практика на Върховния съд на Израел, псо ред която затворниците трябва да се държат под арест след изтичане на присъдата им само в най-необикновените случаи …
Габи Ласки, адвокат на Абу Рама заяви:
Решението Абдала да бъде задържан дори след като присъдата му е изтекла е подигравка не само с понятието за справедливост, но не е и изненадващо. Военната прокуратурата и съдилищата са добре смазана машина на политически мотивираниия нелоялен съдебен процес.
Адийб Абу Рама, водещ активист от комитет на Билин срещу Стената и Поселенията, бе арестуван на 10-ти юли 2009 година по време на една от седмичните демострации срещу стената в Билин.
Той бе осъден на 12 месеца затвор поради “подбуждане”(призоваване на селяните да участват в седмични протести), но военна прокуратура обжалва присъдата му и така той все още е в затвора, 15 месеца след арестуването, в очакване на решението относно обжалване на прокуратурата.
В случая на Адийб обвинението се позовава на принудителните самопризнания на четирима младежки от Билин – на 14, 15 и 16 години – арестувани по време на нощно нападение от израелски войници и принудени да заявят в разпит без присъствието на адвокат или настойник (и тримата са малолетни), че Адийб им е казал да хвърлят камъни по войниците.

Елате в театър „Българска армия“ на 2 декември,вечер и прожекция за Палестина

Министерството на външните работи на Република България

Представителството на УНИЦЕФ

Посолството на Държавата Палестина

имат честта да Ви поканят на тържествено честване

по случай Международния ден за солидарност с палестинския народ на 02 декември 2010 г. (четвъртък) от 17,30 ч. в Театър „Българска армия“, ул. „Г. С. Раковски“‘ № 98, София.
В програмата на тържеството са включени тържествена вечер и прожекция на палестинския игрален филм "Солта на морето".
Поканата важи за неограничен брой гости. С Вашето присъствие Вие изразявате подкрепата си към палестинската кауза,

Събитие във Facebook

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Middle East Journals of Tom Hurndall – Online Panel Talk to Launch Crowdfunding Campaign

Sorry for the late notice on this one but a big web based panel talk is coming up this afternoon to launch the fundraising drive to publish Tom Hurndall's journals when he was in Palestine and the wider Middle East.

The eight week campaign will launch at 4pm with a panel discussion between;

• Tom’s parents Anthony and Jocelyn Hurndall

• John Sweeney – BBC Panorama journalist who made 2003 documentary ‘When Killing is Easy’ and Independent article Silenced Witnesses

• Rowan Joffe and Simon Block – Director and Screenwriter of Channel 4 BAFTA-nominated film documentary The Shooting of Thomas Hurndall

• Mohammed Qeshta – who was with Tom when we was shot and worked for the International Solidarity Movement

It will be an hour long panel discussion of people who know Tom’s story and will be filmed and streamed live online to launch the fundraising campaign. The aim of this talk will be to engage the audience with Tom’s work and the concept of the book, whilst encouraging people to donate
money towards it.


ISM London

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Israeli Settlers Take Over Palestinian Homes in East Jerusalem

As some of you may have heard Israeli police and settlers this morning (23 November) forcibly evicted 3 Palestinian families from their home in Al Farouq neighbourhood of Jabal al Mukabber in East Jerusalem

We are still following up to ascertain the facts of the case, but wanted to send you a brief update at this early stage.

According to the information we have at the moment, a large force of Israeli police and border police forcibly evicted the families between 9.00 and 10.00 this morning. Immediately following the eviction the building was handed over to a group of settlers that reportedly are affiliated with the settler organization El Ad. The settler group is currently undertaking some work on the premises, possibly to fortify the building.

The building in question consists of a 3 separate apartments located on 3 floors. It was inhabited by the Qara'in family, which includes 3 nuclear families of 14 people, including 5 children ranging from 3 to 10 years of age. The families are currently sheltering with their neighbours, having no alternative place to live.

The grounds for the eviction are not entirely clear, but according to initial reports the settler group claims to have purchased the building from a deceased relative of the family a few years ago. The family and their lawyer  tried to challenge these claims before Israeli courts, but were unsuccessful.

This eviction yet again raises serious concerns about the ongoing establishment and expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territory, in particular in Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem. In addition to Jabal al Mukabber, similar developments have been observed in other Palestinian areas, such as in Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan and the Old City. It is worth noting that the prohibition on the transfer of settlers into occupied territory under international law applies regardless of the means or methods used for the acquisition of property and as such should cease immediately.

If any of you can assist the families, in particular with alternative housing/shelter and other basic needs (much of their furniture and personal belongings have been lost), please let us know as soon as possible.

We will continue to monitor the case and will keep you posted.

BDS Success: Tindersticks Cancel Tel Aviv Shows

It is with sadness that Tindersticks announce the cancellation of their forthcoming concerts in Tel Aviv.

When agreeing to play our music in Israel we, perhaps naively, believed that the music we make is beyond political considerations.

Over the past weeks, the pressure exerted on us by people and organizations, some close to us, has shown us that this is not the case. It is difficult to defy a rapidly growing movement with whose aims we agree, even if we are not wholly convinced by their methods.

The songs we looked forward to playing and singing have already been tainted and their enjoyment stifled, if not completely drowned out by the political furor.

We sincerely look forward to a time when we, and others, can make our music for the people in the Middle East for the pure joy of the music itself.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Обвиниха Шарон - убивал палестински деца като зайци?

Соня Колчакова

Водещи холандски издания разпространиха статии, обвиняващи бившия израелски премиер Ариел Шарон в убийството на палестински деца в Ливан, съобщава

Първата подобна публикация се появила на страниците на вестник Volkskrant, третият по големина вестник в Холандия.

Известният холандски режисьор, евреин по националност, Георг Слейзер, дал интервю, в което казва, че той лично е бил свидетел на това как през 1982 година в Ливан Шарон е застрелял две палестински деца. По думите му инцидентът е станал в лагера на бежанците Сабра-Шатил, където Слейзер снимал документален филм за събитията в региона.

Според 78-годишния режисьор през 1982 година в Ливан се разиграла трагедия -местното християнско население „организирало" кърваво клане, при което били убити стотици бежанци. Именно това била и причината Слейзер да пристигне на мястото, за да направи документален филм за случая. По думите му това станало през месец ноември, но не помни точна дата. Помни обаче, че се е срещнал с Ариел Шарон.

Аз лично присъствах, когато Шарон, който тогава беше министър на отбраната на Израел, разстреля пред очите ми две деца от близо 10 метра разстояние с личното си оръжие, заявява Слейзер и добавя: „Той стреля по тях така, както се стреля по зайци."

По думите му децата били съвсем малки, на две или най-много три годинки.

Георг Слейзер стана световноизвестен с документалната си поредица от филми за палестинско - израелския конфликт.

Интервюто му с обвиненията срещу Ариел Шарон бе публикувано и във вестник Vrij Nederland - преди да бъде показан новия филм на Слейзер на престижния международен фестивал за документално кино в Амстердам.

Corporate Complicity in Israeli War Crimes

The second international session of the RToP will take place in London, on 20, 21 and 22 November 2010. It will examine International corporate complicity in Israel’s Violations of International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, and War Crimes.

You will be able to watch the London session of RToP LIVE on your PC from Saturday morning 10am GMT.

Please share these two links as widely as possible. Thanks.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Water in Palestine

by Nora Barrows- Friedman

“The wind finally came to Palestine,” a friend of mine told me on the phone today, from his home in Battir, a small village near Bethlehem. “Now we can finally breathe.” He said he was relieved that the sweltering Palestinian summer was nearing its end and Autumn was showing its colors in the parched hillsides and in the air. But the water in my friend's home, in his village and across occupied Palestine is still slow to trickle, as it has been for months.
As Jewish Israelis enjoy trips to the beach, neighborhood swimming pools, unfettered access to clean drinking water, state-of-the-art sewage treatment infrastructure, and endless amounts of running water in their homes, Palestinians in communities separated by boundaries, walls, and checkpoints brace and prepare each time the weather heats up and the antiquated wells dry up. For weeks on end – especially in the refugee camps inside the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip – there simply is no water coming from the tap, and people are forced to purchase bottled water just to meet their daily needs.

In Memory of Rachel Corrie, In Solidarity with Palestine

Dear Milena,
In March 2003, Rachel Corrie, a U.S. citizen, was killed by the Israeli military with a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer as she nonviolently tried to prevent Israel from demolishing another Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip.
Today I'm writing to all of our supporters, urging you to consider replanting an olive tree in Palestine in Rachel's honor.
Click here to join me in replanting trees by making a tax-deductible donation today.
Your contribution will do more than honor Rachel's memory and the principles of human rights, justice and peace, to which she dedicated her life.

Olive Tree certificate Your donation will also support the ongoing work of two organizations -- the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation -- to hold accountable Caterpillar, Israel and the United States for the death and destruction caused by these weapons.
If you have followed the case of Rachel Corrie's killing, like I have for these past 7 1/2 years, I trust that you share my outrage that Rachel's family is still being forced to seek justice, currently through a civil lawsuit in Israeli courts.
Frankly, I find it outrageous that the U.S. and Israeli governments have been unwilling to resolve this horrible injustice in a way that relieves the Corrie Family of some of the harm that has been done.
We at the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation are deeply committed to doing all we can to support the Corries and to ensure that justice for their daughter's killing is achieved.
Having lived and worked with many Palestinian families in the city of Rafah before and after Rachel's death, it is especially important to me that we see this through. That is why I'm appealing to you to join me in replanting an olive tree in Rachel's memory, so that both the Rachel Corrie Foundation and the US Campaign can continue this struggle.
Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie
For the Corries, their search for justice means much more than only justice for Rachel.  Cindy Corrie, Rachel's mother, asks that we not only honor Rachel's memory, but we also remember:
...those Palestinian and international activists who have opposed the destruction wreaked by the Israeli military with Caterpillar equipment;
...those who have lost their homes, land and family members to demolition with Caterpillar equipment;
...those Palestinian and international activists killed or injured as they have nonviolently opposed construction of the wall and the demolition of homes; and
...those Palestinian and Israeli activists who are now being threatened and silenced by Israeli authorities and courts.
Please join us in planting an olive tree in Palestine in Rachel's memory.
So far this year, generous support from people like you has enabled us to partner with Trees for Life to replant more than 400 olive trees.
With your help we hope we can make that 1,000.

In solidarity,

Rob Mosrie (signature)
Rob Mosrie
Executive Director

Bring Aafia Home

International Week to Repatriate Dr Aafia Siddiqui to Pakistan

Sunday 14th November

Rally to Return Aafia Siddiqui to Pakistan

From 1pm

Pakistan Embassy
34-36 Lowndes Square

Nearest Tube Station: Knightsbridge


Ex Guantanamo detainees Ruhal Ahmed and Shafiq Ruhal
Andy Worthington
Chris Nineham, Stop the War Coalition
Jamal Harwood
Rabia Zia, Tehreek e Insaaf
Spitz Yaqub AbduSalaam
Massoud Shadjareh
Ilyas Townsend
Adnan Rashid
Ustadh Abdullah Hasan
Poet Razette
Imam Wasim Kempsom

On September 23rd 2010 Pakistani mother of three Aafia Siddiqui was shockingly sentenced to 86 years in a US prison. She is now likely to endure a harsh prison regime, in solitary confinement, and is unlikely to see her children again until she is eligible for release in 2094 at age 122, if indeed she remains alive then. Lawyers argued that were the Pakistan government to request her repatriation she would be returned with 72 hours. Days before Aafia will spend her sixteenth Eid separated from her family, JFAC have organised a coordinated week-long international action, coinciding with the ten days of Dhil Hijjah, to urge the Pakistani government to exhaust every avenue for Aafia’s release.

Join us in our call to return the daughter of the nation.

"There is no deed more precious in the sight of Allah, nor greater in reward, than a good deed done during the ten days of Sacrifice."

For further information:

86 years – 1032 months – 31,411 days – 753,864 hours – 45,231,840 minutes – 2, 713, 910,400 seconds


Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui, along with her three children, disappeared in Karachi in March 2003. Their whereabouts were unknown for the next five years. Throughout this time, Aafia was held without charge and abused whilst in secret detention. Former Bagram prisoners testified to the presence of a female prisoner with the number ‘650’, whose horrific screams they would hear.

Following demands for her recovery by human rights organisations and the Pakistani public, Aafia resurfaced in Afghanistan in August 2008, framed with the attempted murder of US personnel. Transferred to the US, Aafia was convicted in a shocking miscarriage of justice, despite the conflicting testimony of the soldiers and lack of evidence - no gun residue from the rifle, no trace of fingerprints on the rifle, no bullet shells in the room or bullet holes on the walls. Despite the prosecution admitting Aafia was not a member of al-Qaeda or linked to any terrorist group, she was for all intents and purposes, tried as such. She was sentenced on September 23rd to 86 years in prison.

Since her conviction, she has been denied access to phone calls, mail, and any visits, in the interests of ‘national security’. Whilst the two elder children were released in 2008 and 2010 respectively, the whereabouts of her youngest child, Suleman - only six months old at the time of the abduction - remain unknown, although it is believed that he may have been killed in US custody.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rachel Corrie Foundation Joins First-Ever U.S. Universal Periodic Review

November 10, 2010

UN Human Rights Council Calls On U.S. to Enforce “Leahy Amendment”

(Olympia, Washington) – The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva yesterday released its draft report on the first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the U.S. human rights record. The report called for greater transparency and accountability in U.S. foreign military aid and programs. On Thursday, November 4, Gina Patnaik spoke at UN headquarters in Geneva, representing the Rachel Corrie Foundation in a side panel to the U.S. review, and called upon the U.S. Government to enforce two existing mechanisms for monitoring human rights abuses – the “Leahy Amendment,” and the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

AHAVA DEMONSTRATION: Saturday, 6 November. *11:00am

Come along to the next Ahava demonstration on Saturday 6th November. There's been a slight change in the timing of it to enable people to go onto other important demonstrations that day.
Hope to see you all there!
For more information on forthcoming events check
NEXT AHAVA DEMONSTRATION: Saturday, 6 November. *11:00am - 1:00pm* 
39 Monmouth Street, off Seven Dials (nr Covent Garden), WC2H 9DD

Leaving 1pm to join :- March & Carnival “No to racism, fascism and Islamophobia”

Action Update: UNRWA Distances Itself From Statements of its New York

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition thanks all of its members, supporters and people of conscience who have written to The Secretary General of the United Nations in response to our action alert of November 1, 2010 ( UNRWA has issued a statement distancing itself from the recent outrageous comments made by Andrew Whitley, the current director of its New York office, and which were the subject of our alert. Mr. Whitley had stated that the Palestinian refugees should not entertain the "cruel illusion" that they will ever exercise their inalienable Right of Return and that they should start considering "their own role in the societies where they are", or elsewhere. The UNRWA statement, which is posted at, reads as follows:

"UNRWA unequivocally distances itself from the statements made by the Director of its office in New York, Andrew Whitley, at the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations in Washington on 22 October 2010. These statements in no way reflect the policies or positions of the Agency and are the personal views of Mr. Whitley."

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition thanks UNRWA for issuing this statement. However, Mr. Whitley's comments of October 22, 2010 reflect a clear breach of duty and betrayal of the trust vested in UNWRA by the world community and, particularly, by the refugees themselves. In addition, as a UN official, Mr. Whitley undermined the integrity and the credibility of UNRWA and exposed himself as the enemy of the people he is supposed to serve. Therefore, he should be dismissed immediately from the organization.


We call on all our members, supporters and people of conscience to write once again to His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon, The Secretary General of the United Nations to thank UNRWA for their statement distancing themselves from Mr. Whitley's comments but to insist on his immediate dismissal.


His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon
The Secretary General of the United Nations

Your Excellency,

I am writing to thank UNRWA for its recent statement distancing itself from the recent outrageous comments made by Andrew Whitley the current director of its New York office on October 22, 2010. However, Mr. Whitley's statement reflects a clear breach of duty and betrayal of the trust vested in UNWRA by the world community and, particularly, by the refugees themselves. Additionally, as a UN official, Mr. Whitley undermined the integrity and the credibility of UNRWA and exposed himself as the enemy of the people he is supposed to serve. Therefore, I ask you dismiss him immediately from UNRWA.

Such a measure is necessary to maintain the integrity of UNRWA, and the confidence of all people, especially the Palestinian refugees, in this unique agency.


Your name
Telephone number

Please address messages to: and cc;;;;;;;;;

Please cc your correspondence to

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is dedicated to education and advocacy for the restoration in full of Palestinian human, national, legal, political and historical rights with particular emphasis on the right of Palestinians to return to their homes and lands of origin from which they have been dispossessed since 1948. PRRC is a not for profit tax-exempt educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America. Under IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC are tax-deductible. To donate, please go to and follow the instructions. To become a member, go to

Call to Action

Support the cause. Be counted:

UNRWA New York Director Apologizes and Retracts Comments

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition received correspondence today in which UNRWA New York Director apologizes and retracts "inappropriate and wrong" comments on the right of return and again underlines they do not represent the views of UNRWA. The text of the apology may be read at

We thank all who wrote in response to our alerts of November 1 and November 3, 2010.

Until Return,

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition is shocked and dismayed that a senior UNRWA official, Andrew Whitley, made a statement to the National Council of US-Arab Relations on October 21, 2010, that the Palestinian refugees should not entertain the "cruel illusion" that they will ever exercise their inalienable Right of Return and that they should start considering "their own role in the societies where they are", or elsewhere.

This statement is a grave breach of duty and betrayal by Whitley of the trust vested in UNWRA by the world community and, particularly, by the refugees themselves. As a UN official, Mr Wiltley undermined the integrity and the credibility of UNRWA and exposed himself as the enemy of the people he is supposed to serve.

In 1948, The UN General Assembly passed Resolution 194 which calls for the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes, and affirmed this resolution 110 times so far. This same resolution created UNCCP to repatriate the refugees. UNRWA was established in accordance with Resolution 302 which, in paragraph 20, requires UNRWA to uphold Resolution 194.

Thus, while the UN affirms every year the call for the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and lands of origin, in order to reverse the ethnic cleansing of 1948, this UN official has called for the perpetuation of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian refugees; such ethnic cleansing is a war crime according to the Rome Statute of 1998.


Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition calls on all its members, supporters and people of conscience to write to His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon, The Secretary General of the United Nations to demand the immediate dismissal of Mr. Andrew Whitley.


His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon
The Secretary General of the United Nations

Your Excellency,

I was shocked and dismayed that a senior UNRWA official, Andrew Whitley, made a statement to the National Council of US-Arab Relations on October 21, 2010, that the Palestinian refugees should not entertain the "cruel illusion" that they will ever exercise their inalienable Right of Return and that they should start considering "their own role in the societies where they are", or elsewhere.

While the UN affirms every year the call for the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and lands of origin, in order to reverse the ethnic cleansing of 1948, this UN official has called for the perpetuation of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian refugees; such ethnic cleansing is a war crime according to the Rome Statute of 1998.

Therefore I call on your Excellency

1. To dismiss Andrew Whitley from his UN position immediately
2. To censor him for his breach of his duties as UNRWA official and disavow his statements.

Such measures are necessary to maintain the integrity of the UN's main agency, UNRWA, and the confidence of all people, especially the Palestinian refugees, in this unique agency.


Your name
Telephone number

Please address your messages to and cc ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Please cc us at on all your correspondence

Until Return,

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax: 760-918-9442

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is the largest network of grassroots activists and students dedicated to education and advocacy for the restoration of Palestinian human, national, legal, political and historical rights in full with particular emphasis on the right of Palestinians to return to their homes and lands of origin from which they have been dispossessed since 1948. PRRC is a not for profit tax-exempt educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America. Under IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC are tax-deductible. To donate, go to and follow the instructions. To become a member, go to

Call to Action

Support the cause. Be counted:

EVENT Is Tuesday, November 2nd NOT Nov. 3:MK Hanin Zoabi Shot by Israeli Police - in Berkeley Tues. 11/2 + More News

Middle East Children's Alliance

Dear Milena,
I have an important message to share with you.  Our upcoming speaker, MK Hanin Zoabi, was among dozens of Palestinian citizens injured by Israeli police last week She was shot in the back and neck with rubber coated bullets. Many believe she was specifically targeted by police.  She has received hundreds of death threats since her participation in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Despite her injuries, Hanin has travelled to the US as planned and will speak at a MECA event in Berkeley with Areej Ja'fari on Tuesday, November 2.
Hanin Zoabi
“We are struggling for a normal state which is a state for all of its citizens, [in] which the Palestinians and the Israeli Jews can have full equality. I recognize religious, cultural and national group rights for the Israelis, but inside a democratic and neutral state.”
Please join MECA in welcoming MK Hanin Zoabi and Areej Ja'afari, a Palestinian leader of youth, women's and refugee rights from the West Bank at our event tomorrow evening; Palestinian Women's Voices. You can still buy tickets online now.
Barbara Lubin

"It was so inspiring to meet and hear Haneen Zoabi, Palestinian member of Israel's Knesset, a courageous leader, feminist and struggler for equality. Go hear her along with Areej Ja'fari, and support the important work of the Middle East Children's Alliance on Nov 2 in Berkeley, CA"

- Ali Abunimah, Co-Founder of the Electronic Intifada,author of "One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse" 

Tuesday, November 2nd, 7pm, Berkeley
Palestinian Women's Voices: MK Hanin Zoabi and Areej Ja'fari

First Congregational Church of Berkeley
2345 Channing Way @ Dana

                 MK HANIN ZOABI
Al-Tajammu’ Party leader in 1948 Palestine
Palestinian Member of the Knesset
Leading member of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla’s Mavi Marmara

                   AREEJ JA’FARI
Youth/women’s leader & refugee activist from Dheisheh Refugee Camp

Tickets: $15, $10 for low-income and students, no one turned away for lack of funds. Buy tickets online or call Brown Paper Tickets at 1-800-838-3006
$15 tickets also available at bookstores: (east bay) Books Inc., Diesel, Moe's Books, Pegasus/Solano, Pegasus/Shattuck, Walden Pond (SF) Modern Times
This is a benefit for MECA's Maia Project: Bringing Clean Water to the Children of Palestine.
The event is wheelchair accessible and ASL interpreted.
Cosponsored by KPFA, Al-Awda, SF Arab Film Festival, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid, Bay Area Women in Black, Code Pink, Global Fund for Women, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestinian Youth Network, Students for Justice in Palestine, US Palestinian Community Network
For info or 510-548-0542.

Oakland, CA: Aswat Performance                               

Sunday, November 14, 3:00pm


An Afternoon with ASWAT Bay Area Music Ensemble -- an exquisite community ensemble for classical and folk Arabic music. Performance will include ASWAT Youth, Palestinian & Andalusian folk dance, Palestinian poetry, and former SF poet laureate Jack Hirshman -- a message of peace and social justice. Musical Direction by Moroccan Virtuoso, Rachid Halihal.



DONATE NOW to bring clean, safe drinking water to

Vote Today -- To Stop Israel from Getting CAT Bulldozers

Dear Milena,

Today is Election Day, and we strongly urge you to exercise your democratic right to vote!
Elections are important, but your vote today is only one step in the process of influencing our country's decision-making.

Either before or after you head to the polls today, here's something else you can
quickly do to help shape our country's policies for the better: click here.

Israeli Caterpillar D9 at workLast Thursday we let you know about a milestone in our ongoing campaign to hold Caterpillar, Israel and the United States accountable for human rights abuses Israel commits with CAT bulldozers, purchased at U.S. taxpayer expense as U.S. military aid.

According to Israeli news media, Caterpillar has temporarily delayed its delivery to Israel of tens of D9 bulldozers, the same type that the Israeli military used to kill U.S. peace activist Rachel Corrie in March, 2003, as she nonviolently attempted to stop the demolition of a Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip.

As weapons that the U.S. taxpayer paid for, in the form of
military aid to Israel, bulldozer deliveries must be approved by the Obama Administration. We have a narrow window of opportunity to pressure the Obama Administration to make this temporary measure permanent.

Here's how you can help:

  1. Stop CaterpillarJoin more than 10,000 others who have signed our petition to President Obama, asking him to stop all deliveries of bulldozers to Israel.  Help us reach our new goal of 15,000 signatures before we deliver them to the Obama Administration later this week.

  2. If you belong to an organization, please ask it to endorse our organizational sign-on letter to the Obama Administration, calling on it to stop all deliveries of bulldozers to Israel.  More than 75 local and national organizations have signed already. Help us reach 100 endorsements by tomorrow evening (Wednesday) when we close the letter for endorsements.  Read the letter, view the organizational endorsements, and add your organization's name.

  3. Spread the word about this campaign by telling a friend, forwarding this email, and embedding the graphic above on your web site, blog, or social networking profile.
Thank you for making your voice heard as a citizen, today and beyond!

Christian Science Monitor:през октомври над 100 деца са арестувани от израелските власти

Според изследване на Christian Science Monitor, над 100 деца са арестувани в Източен Ерусалим през октомври месец. Вестникът алармира, че тази тенденция се усилва.
Веднага след публикуването на доклада на неправителствени организации за защита правата на човека, израелската гранична полиция бе притисната да съобщи своите данни. С нежелание бе съобщено, че имало „тридесетина деца, арестувани за мятане на камъни, възрастта на които, е под 13 години“.
Родители на арестувани деца заявяват, че много от тях са арестувани на връщане от училище или когато играят пред къщата. Граничните власти често работят под прикритие и необозначени коли. Правозащитни организации съобщават, че децата са малтретирани по време на арест. Членове на Кнесета пък заявиха, че подобни действия на полицията могат да доведат до избухването на нова палестинска интифада, арабската дума за въстание.
Междувременно палестинското външно министерство съобщи (арабски език), че израелски заселници в Ерусалим са изгорили до основи църква на ул. „Ал-Анбия“.
(Декларацията по случая, изтеглете на български език тук-Declaration MOFA 1.11.2010)