Boycott israHell!

Boycott israHell!
Бойкот на израел и печелещите от окупацията! Boycott israHell and those who profit from occupation!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


"Аз съм човек" е проект на Кувейтска благотворителна организация, чиято цел е да събере 1 милион подписа върху документ, съдържащ исканията на палестинските затворници, който да послужи в тяхна подкрепа пред международни правозащитни институции. Съпричастие с един подпис - не го пренебрегвайте!

Greetings to every free and noble spirit,

since 1948 ,the policy of detention or captivity, used by the Israeli occupation to subjugate the Palestinian people and forces them to shrink in front of the machine of oppression which aims to humiliate prisoners and their families and deform their patriotism and their humanity, and then break the morale of an entire people, is considered one of the fiercely repressive policies.

The number of Palestinian prisoners who have been arrested since 1967 until now, reached more than 800,000 prisoners, a figure that represents more than 25% of the Palestinian people.

The prisoners often struggled to gain their freedom, they had a lot of sacrifices and martyrs, and its time to talk on behalf of their names and express their demands to the world.

so it was the launch of the project: "I am human​​" under the slogan "Raising Voice .... living soul"
by our center at Sana Al-Quds, which is a part of the Committee of Palestine for Charity in Kuwait, which aims to collect one million signatures on a document containing the human claims of prisoners, which is guaranteed in law International Geneva Conventions and the United Nations, and then deliver it to the European Network for the rights of Palestinian prisoners (UFREE Network) and other international institutions,

which in return, communicate with various international organizations of human rights that sponsor the issue of Palestinian prisoners and the United Nations General Assembly.

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