A new animated film released today by Gisha challenges the commonly held belief that Israel no longer exercises control over Gaza and does not bear responsibility for what goes on there. The opening of the Rafah Crossing is a welcome improvement in Gaza residents' access to the outside world. However, it does not detract from Israel's obligation to allow regular travel between Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinian territory shares a single economy, a single education system, a single healthcare system and countless familial, cultural and social ties.
The film was created as part of Gisha's effort to initiate an informed public discussion of Israel's policy toward Gaza. To accompany the film, Gisha is also releasing a "cheat sheet" providing concise answers to commonly asked questions about Gaza, such as: what is the economic situation in Gaza today? Is there a food shortage in the Strip? Exactly what travel restrictions does Israel currently impose on residents of Gaza? The cheat sheet is available on Gisha's website and will be regularly updated.